
Government of India, Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, Light Houses and Lighships, Jamnagar invites applications from eligible Indian Citizens for vacancy post of Navigational Assistant Grade III. The last date for submission of applications is 31st August 2021.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancy

Navigational Assistant Grade III


✅ Age Limit: Between 18 and 27 years. Age relaxation as per Central Government Rules.

✅ Pay Scale: PB ₹ 15200 – 20200 + GP ₹ 2800/-

✅ Place of Posting: Any Lighthouse / DGPS Station of Saurashtra Coast in Gujarat State under Jamnagar Directorate and liable to be transferred anywhere in India.

✅ Educational Qualifications:

✔️ Diploma in Electronics or Telecommunication or Electronics and Communication or Electrical and Electronics from an Institute recognized by Central Government or State Government.

✅ Selection Process: Test / Interview.

✅ How to Apply: Application form in prescribed format. Completed applications should strictly be forwarded to “The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, “Deep Bhavan” Pt. Nehru Marg, Jamnagar – 361008, Gujarat” by Registered Post / Speed Post. The last date for receipt of application is 31/08/2021. For Remote area / Far-flung area candidates, the last date will be 07 days more than from the closing date i.e. Last date is 07/09/2021.

✅ Archived Jobs:

DGLL Goa Recruitment 2019: Applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for recruitment post of Navigational Assistant Grade III,and Technician (Electronics) in the Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, Goa. Apply within 45 days from the date of Advertisement in Employment News paper.

Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Pay Scale

Navigational Assistant Grade III


PB ₹ 15200 – 20200 + GP ₹ 2800

Technician (Electronics)


PB ₹ 15200 – 20200 + GP ₹ 2800

Age Limit: Between 18 and 27 years.

Educational Qualifications:

Navigational Assistant: Diploma in Electronics or Telecommunication or Electronics and Communication or Electrical and Electronics from a institution recognised by Central Government or State Government.

Technician (Electronics): Diploma in Electronics Engineering or Electronics and Communication Engineering or Electrical and Electronics Engineering or a combination of above from a recognised institution or equivalent. One year experience in the installation and maintenance of wireless transmitters, receivers, aerial systems and associated power plant.

Selection Process: Written Examination.

The application must be submitted through offline mode in the prescribed format. Applications completed in all respect along with required enclosures should reach in the office of “The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships, 3rdFloor, Cruise Business Centre, Mormugao Harbour, Mormugao, Goa –403803”. The last date for receipt of applications is 18/11/2019.

DGLL Jobs 2019: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the post of Navigational Assistant and Technician in the Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, Cochin. The closing date for receipt of applications is 12th November 2019.

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit

Navigational Assistant Grade III


18-27 years

Technician (General)


21-30 years

Technician (Electrical)


21-30 years

Pay Scale: PB-1 ₹ 15200 – 20200 + GP ₹ 2800/- for all above posts.

Minimum Educational Qualification: Diploma in concerned discipline. Matriculation passed or its equivalent qualification for Technician (General / Electrical).

Selection Process: Written Examination and Document Verification.

How to Apply: Application format as per Prescribed, Completed application should be filled by the candidate in his / her own handwriting with blue or black ball point pen. Applications complete in all respect duly supported with self attested photo-copies of documents / certificates / testimonials addressed to “The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships, Deep Bhavan, Gandhinagar, P.O.Kadavanthea, Cochin, Pin 682020”. The last date for receipt of applications is 12/11/2019.

Government of India, Ministry of Shipping, Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, Jamnagar invites applications from the eligible Indian Citizens for filling up 06 vacancy posts of Radio Technician in VTS-Directorate, Gandhidham by the Director of Lighthouses and Lightships, Jamnagar, Gujarat. The last date for submission of applications is 20th September 2019.

Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships Radio Technician Recruitment 2019-20

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Radio Technician


Age Limit: Between 18 years and 27 years as on 20th September 2019.

Pay Scale: PB1, ₹ 5200-20200 with Grade Pay ₹ 2800/- Level-5 on Pay Matrix (7th Pay Commission)

Educational Qualifications:

(1) Diploma in Electronics or Telecommunication or Electronics and Communication Engineering.

(2) 01 year’s practical experience in installation and maintenance of wireless transmitters, receivers, aerial systems and associated power plants in the Central Government or the State Government or a Public Sector Undertaking or any autonomous body.

(3) Desirable – One year’s experience in handling of Radar or microwave Communication equipment’s in the Central Government or the State Government or a Public Sector Undertaking or any autonomous body.

How to Apply: The applications (Prescribed format) should strictly be forwarded to The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, “Deep Bhavan” Pt. Nehru Marg, Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat, super scribed with application for the post of Radio Technician preferably by Speed Post/ Registered Post.

The last date and time for receipt of applications is 20/09/2019 at 1700 Hrs. In respect of North East Region i.e. Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District of Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands the last date will be 20/09/2019.

Ministry of Shipping, Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the post of Navigational Assistant Grade III (Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted) in the Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, Mumbai (Maharashtra state). The last date for receipt of applications is 23rd September 2019.

Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships Navigational Assistant Recruitment 2019

Name of the Post

Total Vacancies

Navigational Assistant Grade III


Age Limit: Between 18 years and 27 years as on 23rd September 2019.

Pay Scale: PB1, ₹ 5200-20200 with Grade Pay ₹ 2800/- Level-5 on Pay Matrix (7th Pay Commission)

Educational Qualifications: Diploma in Electronics or Telecommunication or Electronics and Communication or Electrical and Electronics from an institution recognized by Central Government or State Government.

How to Apply: The applications (Prescribed format) should strictly be forwarded to The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships, “Deep Bhavan” Pt. Nehru Marg, Jamnagar-361008, Gujarat, super scribed with application for the post of Radio Technician preferably by Speed Post/ Registered Post.

The last date and time for receipt of applications is 23/09/2019 at 1700 Hrs. In respect of North East Region i.e. Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District of Pangi Sub-division of Chamba District of Himachal Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep Islands the last date will be 29/09/2019.


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