Scientific head of Satellite
We are looking for a full time Consultant to come and work for Novozymes in India. You will be building and heading a satellite group of 5 postdocs working at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore (UAS,B), India as well as in an office located nearby.
You will collaborate with professors at UAS,B and be strongly supported by employees of Novozymes in India as well as in Denmark.
You will report to Connect and Innovate, RandD, HQ of Novozymes in Denmark and your salary will – from Indian perspectives – be competitive.
You could be an Indian post doc. with significant biotech experience and competency wanting to return to India after some years abroad.
You are definitely an entrepreneurial person with a strong drive to make things happen. You have a desire and skills for people management and hold a strong interest for letting your scientific skills work for setting the application of enzymes in focus.
Most preferably, your main scientific focus has not been in Molecular Biology/Genetics.
The work on Sustainable Agricultural Processing will to a very high degree address conceptual ideas and trends, proving the Biotech Feasibility and maturing this further into project proposals for the Indian/global Novozymes organization.
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