

Senior Research Fellow (M.Sc., M.E/MTech) (CLOSED)

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Defence Research & Development Organisation , New Delhi, Delhi  110016


A first class MTech/ME/M.Sc. in Environmental Science with 02 years of Post Masters research experience in the relevant field. 2. Minimum 01 paper publication in SCI Journal Having valid LS/NET/GATE score


Rs.35,000/ + HRA as per rule (As per Fellowship granted by funding agency)


32 years for SRF as on the last date for of interview. The upper age limit shall be relaxable to the candidates belonging for (SC/ST candidates is 5 years relaxation, 3 years to OBC candidates, and other entitled categories as per Govt rules).


Preference will be given to the candidate submitted/ holding a PhD degree in Environmental Sciences or Chemistry


Tenure of SRF (subject to efficient progress/output)will be till the completion of the project (PDC)i.e. 01.12.2022 or whichever is earlier. 7. Nature of the work: Field survey, mapping and sample collection from different water bodies, reservoirs, and to estimate the concentration of the radioactive ions in the water samples along with estimation of toxicological concentration of radioactive ions in the water.

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

Candidates who are not meeting the above mentioned qualifications need not to apply. 2. Applications form appended in this advertisement may be typed and submitted along with copies of testimonials or can be downloaded from ‘What’s New’ column at www.drdo.gov.in. The e-mail address for sending application is inmasrf@gmail.com 3. The last date for receipt of duly filled application through email is 04.02.2021. INMAS Delhi shall not be responsible for non receipt of application/ incomplete application.


Candidates who are not meeting the above mentioned qualifications need not to apply. 2. Applications form appended in this advertisement may be typed and submitted along with copies of testimonials or can be downloaded from ‘What’s New’ column at www.drdo.gov.in. The e-mail address for sending application is inmasrf@gmail.com 3. The last date for receipt of duly filled application through email is 04.02.2021. INMAS Delhi shall not be responsible for non receipt of application/ incomplete application. 4. Antecedents of selected candidates will be verified at the time of joining. Since documents verification process cannot be followed in the online interviews, all short listing, selection etc. would be provisional subject to verification of all relevant original documents. In case of any deficiency of any type in the documents, the candidates would automatically stand cancelled any time on finding such a deficiency. 5. Candidates need to produce their original documents along with Xerox copies of the Documents for proof of caste, Age, Education Qualification/NET/GATE and NOC (Wherever applicable) along with passport size Photograph, failing which, the applications will not be considered. Copies of all documents to be submitted along with application. 6. Candidates working in Govt./Public sector undertaking/Autonomous Bodies should posses ‘No Objection Certificate’. 7. Candidates shortlisted for interview shall be required to appear for interview in online only. Personal interview in physical mode shall not be conducted. 8. The short listed Candidates will be informed by e-mail / Mobile about the date and time of an online interview. The candidate who is willing to attend online interview may send their consent letter along with the filled applications to inmasrf@gmail.com. 9. Candidates who may attend the interview through online will get the URL link of INMAS Delhi provide by the INMAS against his/her name on the designated dated & time. 10.Candidates shall ensure the Internet Connectivity, Web Cam & necessary software’s at their level to attend the online interview (through Video Conferencing). INMAS Delhi shall not be responsible for any connectivity failure or communication faults in the online interview. 11.For any query please contact inmasrf@gmail.com 12.Admission shall not be claimed by any candidate as a matter of right. The admission shall be entirely at the discretion of the Selection Committee of the Laboratory which may refuse to admit any candidate without assigning any reason thereof. 13.It may be noted that offer of fellowship does not confer on fellows any right of absorption in DRDO.




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