Project Assistant Grade I (Diploma) (CLOSED)
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Please check with the concern authority or website
National Institute of Wind Energy, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 788011
Diploma in Civil/Mechanical from any recognized institute with at least second class (55% of marks) in the qualifying degree.
Rs. 20,000 – Rs. 30,000 /-Per Month
Not exceeding 28 years
2 years of experience in field/site related activities
Assisting Scientists in activities related to installation and commissioning of Offshore Lidar, Operation & Maintenance of Offshore Lidar & Meteorological masts, travelling to various parts of the country and climbing of 10 to 15 offshore mono-pile structure and 120m height met mast (Lattice Tower). The candidate must be physically fit for travelling to offshore sites and also climbing the offshore structure and met tower (of height 120m) and carrying out rigorous sea travelling particularly at Gulf of Khambhat, Off Gujarat coast and Gulf of Mannar, Off Tamil Nadu Coast.
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
Starting Date for Submission of Online Application form: 13-06-2021 2. Only applications through online will be accepted. No other modes of applications, like email, post etc. will not be accepted.Last date for Submission of Application: 03-07-2021 (1700Hrs.) 3. Link for online application https://niwe.res.in/careers.php
The Candidate must be a citizen of India. 2. Only applications through online will be accepted. No other modes of applications, like email, post etc. will not be accepted. 3. Application once submitted cannot be altered/ resubmitted, under any circumstances. Further, no request with respect to making changes in any data/particulars entered by the candidate in the Online Application will be entertained, once the application is submitted successfully. Therefore, please keep all data/details ready before you start filling up the online application. 4. Request for change of e-mail address during the process of recruitment will not be entertained under any circumstances. The Institute will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail, loss of any communication due to wrong address or email provided by the candidates. 5. The positions are purely on Contract basis and the contract engagement will not confer any right on the candidate for regularization in NIWE. 6. The Age limit, Experience and Qualification will be reckoned as on the closing date of online application. Mere fulfilment of minimum qualifications and experience does not entail any candidate to receive call letter for Test and or Interview. NIWE reserves the right to restrict number Of candidates to be called for Test and or Interview by short-listing the applications on the basis of higher benchmark for short-listing criteria as may be decided by the Competent Authority. Age relaxation will be given as per Gol norms. 7. In case a particular University / Institution does not have any criteria of first class or equivalence, 60%wiII be taken as equivalent to first class. In case of non-availability of conversion formula, CGPA/CPI of 6,75 (on 10-point scale) will be taken as equivalent to 60% as per AICTE guidelines. For any other point scale of CGPA/CPI, the equivalence may vary proportionally. (a) Withdraw the advertisement either partly or wholly at any time without assigning any reason to this effect. (b) Fill or not to fill up some or all the posts advertised for any reasons whatsoever (c) Increase/decrease the number of posts as per NIWE requirement at the time of appointment. (d) Add/Modify/DeIete by issue of suitable corrigendum to the terms and conditions given in this notification of recruitment. 12. In case of any corrigendum/addendum pertaining to this advertisement, the same shall be published on the Institute’s website only. Accordingly, all applicants are advised to regularly visit the Institute’s website https://niwe.res.in. They should also regularly check their email account for updates. 13. No TA/DA shall be provided for attending Test/interview. 14. Call letters and other correspondence for attending the Test and or interview, etc., will be sent to the eligible candidates through e-mail only. 15. In case of any dispute/ambiguity that may occur in the process of selection, the decision of the DG, NIWE in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of applications, mode of selection, conduct of test and or Interview will be final and no query or correspondence will be entertained in this connection from any individual.
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