Sradharabinda Samantaray topped the entrance test for MBA course. Similarly, Pruthiraj Jena is the topper of lateral entry (LE) to BTech (diploma), Arup Kumar Panda for BPharm Ishant Kumar Nayak for MCA, Sachin Nayak for M Pharm, Shristi Nangalia for M Arch, Srusti Samarpita Beriha for integrated MBA, Dibyashree Upantanayika Mishra for M Plan and Budhadev Pradhan in LE-Tech (BSc). Besides, 11 candidates topped in different specialisations of M Tech.
Direct link to check OJEE 2022 Rank Card
This year, 57,898 candidates were registered for the examination. “Of them, 47,761 candidates (82.5 per cent) appeared for the test. As many as 32 candidates did not get any rank in their corresponding courses as per their performance in the examination,” said the OJEE sources. Last year 49,360 out of 65,763 registered candidates had appeared for the test.
The OJEE-2022 was conducted between July 4 and July 8. Examinations were being conducted in three shifts per day. First shift started from 9am and continued till 11am, while second shift was conducted between 12.30pm and 2.30pm. The last shift timing was 4pm-6pm.
This computer-based test was conducted like JEE Main. Students had appeared for the entrance tests in 61 centres covering all the 30 districts following Covid guidelines. Outside Odisha, examination centres were arranged in Kolkata, Ranchi and Patna.
The candidates, who will get ranks after this test results are out, can get admission in the colleges offering engineering, BBA, MBA, integrated MBA, MTech, MPharm, MCA, MArch, MPlan, lateral entry into BTech and BPharm, BCAT (film editing), MSc computer science courses and other courses.
OJEE 2022: Toppers’ List

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