
Chief Security Officer ( Retired Staff) in Gauhati High Court Recruitment


Chief Security Officer ( Retired Staff)

No of



Please check with the concern authority or website




Gauhati High Court, Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam  110016


The candidate shall have to be a retired Police Officer not below the rank of Deputy Superintendant of Police Or A serving officer from the State Police Service of an equivalent rank on deputation Or Officer from Military, Central Armed Forces and Central Armed Police Forces, who retired from service in the rank of Captain and Assistant Commandant etc. equivalent to the rank of Deputy Superintendant of Police in State Police Service.


Rs.30,000 – Rs.110,000 /-

How to
Apply For
Gauhati High Court
vacancy :

Before applying online, candidates must possess a valid e-mail ID and Mobile Number which are mandatory for registration. E-mail ID should be kept active. Though the system is designed to send e-mail immediately acknowledging the Registration Code, sometimes due to network congestion, the e-mail may not be delivered, hence the candidates are requested to note down the Registration Code.


i. Candidates need not submit any testimonial/certificate at the time of submission of online application. However, candidates have to produce their original testimonials regarding educational qualifications, date of birth, caste, working experience etc. at subsequent stages when asked for. ii. The admission of candidates at all stages of the selection process will be purely provisional and subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. The application will be subject to scrutiny at every stage and shall be rejected if any defect is detected. iii. The list of provisional candidates, with allotted Roll Nos. will be published in the High Court website for the candidates’ reference. iv. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for appearing in the Interview/Viva-Voce etc. v. Candidates who are already in the Government Service (Central/State or PSU) shall have to intimate their respective Controlling/Appointing Authority while applying for the said posts. They shall have to produce “No Objection Certificate” from the present Employer at the time of document verification before interview/viva-voce and they will have to submit release order at the time of joining. vi. Application form, which is incomplete in any respect, such as, without photograph and signature, is liable to be rejected summarily. vii. Information submitted by an applicant in his/her application will bind the candidate and if found to be false, his/her candidature will be cancelled forthwith and he/she shall be liable for criminal prosecution. viii. The candidate will be responsible for any mistake made by him/her in the application form and the High Court shall not be responsible or liable in any way. ix. The certificate for claim of reservation must be issued by competent authority. x. If any candidate is found canvassing directly or indirectly, his/her candidature will be rejected. xi. The High Court reserves the right to cancel, alter or modify the advertisement or other terms and conditions of the advertisement without any prior notice. Page 5 of 5 xii. All other matters which are not specifically provided in this advertisement shall be decided by the High Court.




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