

Senior Fellow (B.Tech/B.E, M.A, M.Sc, M.E/M.Tech, M.Phil/Ph.D)(CLOSED)

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Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses , New Delhi, Delhi  110010


Ph.D. or M.Phil. (at least B+) or MA degree/ BE/ MSc/ M.Tech. degree (at least second class) with a minimum research experience of 10, 13 or 16 years respectively b) Preferred: The above is the minimum qualification. Candidates with longer research experience and better educational qualification will be preferred. Candidates who have completed the doctorate degree in a related subject and have published peer- reviewed work of high order, including single- authored books, Candidates with requisite work and research experience in think tanks, research institutes or universities


Level 14 of Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC (Rs. 1,44,200/- – Rs. 2,18,200/-), Pay / emoluments being offered with the post is under review and is liable to change


Not more than 52 years on 01 January 2021 Age relaxation applicable as per the govt. norms for reserved category candidates. (Maximum age not to exceed 56 years)


Keen interest in analysing current national and international affairs in the related area, Provide leadership to younger scholars, Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, Ability to attend to detail, Work under strict timelines, Pro-active, Flair for team work


Essential Work Norms: Publish book as intimated in the proposed research agenda, of about 50,000 words, three months before the completion of three years’ term, Present and publish Three Fellow Papers in a peer reviewed journals of the Institute during the period of Fellowship. b) Credible Research Work: Publish policy brief/ issue brief, book review, web commentary, op-ed, articles, essays, occasional papers, book chapter and any other work assigned by the MP-IDSA. c) Other Institutional work: Organise round tables, workshops, seminars, conferences, meetings under the aegis of the Centre/ Institute, Individually carry out research activities related to own focussed area of research, Lead a project undertaken at any time by the Centre and/ or that undertaken individually, Any other task assigned by the Institute.

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

Interested candidates may send in their documents along with duly filled prescribed format by e-mail with the subject titled as “Application for the Position of Senior Fellow- (mention name of the Centre)” to the HR Cell at hr.idsa@nic.in 2. Alternatively, hard copy of the application along with prescribed format attached, in an envelope titled “Application for the Position of Senior Fellow- (mention name of the Centre)” can also be sent to: HR Cell Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (MP-IDSA), 1, Development Enclave, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Delhi Cantt., New Delhi-110010 3. Last Date of Application: 15 February 2021. a) Application MUST REACH by 05:00 PM on or before the 15 February 2021 b) Institute will not be responsible for the postal delays or technical issues with internet


Short listed candidates will be invited to attend interviews at MP-IDSA, Delhi 2. Candidates presently serving with the Government sector or Universities and shortlisted for Interview must provide a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the present employer before/ at the time of Interview 3. Certificates in original are to be produced in support of educational and age eligibility (and category, if applicable) at the time of interview. 4. Age and Education qualification will be calculated as on last date of submission of application. 5. Shortlisted outstation candidates will be paid AC- II tier rail fare on production of tickets, by the shortest route 6. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the positions advertised. 7. The Institute reserves the right to cancel recruitment at any stage without assigning any reason. 8. The Institute reserves the right to restrict the number of candidates for interview to a reasonable limit on the basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement and other academic achievements and feedback on past performance 9. In case of non-availability of suitable candidates with prescribed qualifications, MP-IDSA reserves the right to relax the prescribed qualifications for candidates found more suitable for the position with relevant experience and expertise in the specified field. 10. Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming under the ‘Creamy Layer’ and/ or if their caste does not find place in the Central List are not entitled to OBC reservation. They should indicate their category as ‘General (GEN)’ 11. In case a candidate joins the Institute accepting the Terms and Conditions contained herein, she/he will be required to give an undertaking in writing that she/he will not apply for any appointment or course, part-time or full-time, without obtaining the written permission from the competent authority of the Institute. Also, while in service of the Institute, she/he will not engage in any trade or business or undertake any other full-time or part- time appointment and submit list of assets, both moveable and immovable, at the time of joining, as laid down in the Lokpal Bill 12. The selected candidate shall be subjected to other rules and regulations as applicable to MPIDSA Scholars and Staff




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