
After more than eight decades, the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile has a new name: the Frankmobile. 

Oscar Mayer, a subsidiary of Kraft Heinz, changed the moniker of its hot dog hot rod to advertise the new recipe for its all-beef franks. The new flavor keeps the beefy taste but has a more balanced profile, the company claims.

Visually, the vehicle remains the same, with decals declaring the long car the “all-beef beef frank Frankmobile.”

The sounds emanating from the six vehicles are now Frank Whistles, and their drivers have gone from being Hotdoggers to Frankfurters. Customers named Frank will receive coupons for packages of Oscar Mayer beef franks.

“This summer, it’s time to highlight another fan favorite: our delicious 100% Beef Franks,” Oscar Mayer Associate Brand Manager Stephanie Vance said in the Kraft Heinz announcement. 

Will the name change remain permanent? A spokesperson told CNN the company will see if the Frankmobile tag cuts the mustard with fans.


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