

Nairobi needs a firm policy on hawking


Hawkers selling their wares at the pedestrians walk path between Thika Road and River Road in Nairobi County on October 8, 2023 making it difficult for movement. PHOTO | DENNIS ONSONGO | NMG

The lack of clarity on where hawkers should set up their wares in Nairobi’s central business district is a major contributor to the congestion that has made movement in the city a nightmare for residents.

Efforts to resolve the perennial problem have often been undermined by political expediency, making it hard for policy makers in the city county to establish a lasting solution that suits both hawkers and the public.

Quite often, like is the case this week, the county government announces an immediate ban on hawkers, without plans on where to relocate them.

This results on running battles between the street traders and law enforcement officers, risking lives and inconveniencing those caught in the middle.

Such haphazard actions also ignore the fact that hawking has grown to become a legitimate avenue for jobless youth to earn a living.

This is why the county needs to come up with a solid policy on hawking in the city, including designation of specific areas or streets for the activity, and the hours within which this can be done.

Itt should also set firm rules on control of motorcycle taxis, which are part of the chaos on city streets.


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