Bathinda: The pro democratic and human rights organisation ‘Association for Democratic Rights (AFDR) Punjab’ has released its fact finding ground report about spread of pollution in case of the distillery Malbros International Private Limited at village Mansooorwal Kalan in district Ferozepur.
The report says the agitation by residents of various villages in close vicinity of the distillery brought the agenda of effects of environmental pollution in the public domain. It states that serious efforts should be made to understand the questions raised by the agitators as the contaminated water and emanating of ash is like violating the fundamental right of living a healthy and wholesome life.
AFDR President Prof Jagmohan Singh and General Secretary Pritpal Singh said that the fact finding report has been prepared by a 14 member team of the AFDR after visiting the area. The team members interviewed residents of the villages of the area, the leaders of Zira Sanjha Morcha which is spearheading the agitation, people affected by the polluted water. The committee members also visited and examined the agricultural fields, tube wells and a closed co-operative sugar mill.
They examined various reports and documents received from residents and other sources regarding polluted water/soil and its ill-effects. They also approached the concerned experts for opinions regarding these reports and documents. As per various reports put forward by scientists, any distillery on an average affects over 8 litres of water for every single litre of the alcohol produced.
They said that every industry, be it in priority or non-priority sector, must be examined for its pollution norms before issuing NOC. The distillery should be made to compensate for the pollution as it is an internationally established norm that he who pollutes, must pay for its losses (polluter pays).
They also said the investigation teams should be instituted under superintendence of a sitting or retired Supreme or High court or National Green Tribunal. One of these teams may investigate about the loss of human and animal lives and loss of soil fertility. Another team of the environment experts should go in for the loss of environmental degradation of air, water and soil and should take necessary remedial steps to restore these environmental elements to their pre-polluted healthy status.
A team of veterinary experts should look into the issue of reported deaths of livestock heads in 2022 due to consumption of the fodder which was smeared and polluted with factory ash. They stated AFDR team has been informed by the medical sources that problem of barrenness and pre-mature delivery has been found in the area in young couples.
Team of medical experts should specially examine this issue very seriously and minutely. Before issuing NOC for environment clearance to the distilleries the public hearing process should be made effective. The Gram Sabha of the concerned village should be involved for giving NOC to proposed projects.
The report says the agitation by residents of various villages in close vicinity of the distillery brought the agenda of effects of environmental pollution in the public domain. It states that serious efforts should be made to understand the questions raised by the agitators as the contaminated water and emanating of ash is like violating the fundamental right of living a healthy and wholesome life.
AFDR President Prof Jagmohan Singh and General Secretary Pritpal Singh said that the fact finding report has been prepared by a 14 member team of the AFDR after visiting the area. The team members interviewed residents of the villages of the area, the leaders of Zira Sanjha Morcha which is spearheading the agitation, people affected by the polluted water. The committee members also visited and examined the agricultural fields, tube wells and a closed co-operative sugar mill.
They examined various reports and documents received from residents and other sources regarding polluted water/soil and its ill-effects. They also approached the concerned experts for opinions regarding these reports and documents. As per various reports put forward by scientists, any distillery on an average affects over 8 litres of water for every single litre of the alcohol produced.
They said that every industry, be it in priority or non-priority sector, must be examined for its pollution norms before issuing NOC. The distillery should be made to compensate for the pollution as it is an internationally established norm that he who pollutes, must pay for its losses (polluter pays).
They also said the investigation teams should be instituted under superintendence of a sitting or retired Supreme or High court or National Green Tribunal. One of these teams may investigate about the loss of human and animal lives and loss of soil fertility. Another team of the environment experts should go in for the loss of environmental degradation of air, water and soil and should take necessary remedial steps to restore these environmental elements to their pre-polluted healthy status.
A team of veterinary experts should look into the issue of reported deaths of livestock heads in 2022 due to consumption of the fodder which was smeared and polluted with factory ash. They stated AFDR team has been informed by the medical sources that problem of barrenness and pre-mature delivery has been found in the area in young couples.
Team of medical experts should specially examine this issue very seriously and minutely. Before issuing NOC for environment clearance to the distilleries the public hearing process should be made effective. The Gram Sabha of the concerned village should be involved for giving NOC to proposed projects.
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