HSC/Intermediate (10+2) passed from a recognized Institution.
2 years Diploma in Pharmacy from a recognized Institution.
6 months training in Pharmacy and Registered as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council.
Maximum age limit is 27 years for Technical Officer/C, Pharmacist-B posts indicated at 11.
Selection for Technical Officer-C and Scientific Assistant-B posts will be based on a written test followed by interview, for those who qualify in written test. Written test and interview will be held at Hyderabad. Candidates have the option to write the answers either in Hindi or English. The date, time and venue for written test will be intimated to the eligible candidates through e-mail. Selection for Pharmacist-B will be based on an interview. Selection for Technician-B posts will be based on trade test and interview. Mere fulfilling the requirement as laid down in the advertisement does not entitle a candidate to be called for a written test / trade test / interview.
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