
Part Time Medical Consultant (MBBS) (CLOSED) in Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Recruitment


Part Time Medical Consultant (MBBS) (CLOSED)

No of



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Sr. Dy. General Manager/HR, BHEL,BAP, Ranipet – , , Vellore , Tamilnadu  632406


MBBS with ONE year experience


The upper age limit as on 31.08.2021 is 65 years, relax-able up to 70 years on approval of Competent Authority

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

a. Interested candidates may download the application form from the BHEL website (http://careers.bhel.in) and send the duly filled in application by post along with selfattested photocopies of the following certificates super-scribing the envelope as “Application for PTMC” to Sr. Dy. General Manager/HR, BHEL,BAP, Ranipet – 632406, Tamilnadu so as to reach on or before 28.08.2021. 1. High School Mark sheet / Certificate 2. Intermediate Mark sheet / Certificate 3. MBBS Degree Certificate with all Mark sheets. 4. Registration Certificate issued by the Medical Council of India or by a State Medical Council 5. Experience Certificate


1. Candidates employed in Govt./Semi-Govt./Public Sector Undertakings/ Nationalized Banks/Autonomous Bodies shall be required to apply through Proper Channel. However, in the event of difficulty, they may send the application directly and produce the no objection certificate/ resignation letter from their organization in the event of selection 2. The candidates should ensure while applying that they fulfil the essential eligibility criteria and other requirements prescribed for the above posts and that the particulars furnished by them are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment process that the i. candidates do not fulfil the essential eligibility criteria and /or does not comply with other requirements and /or he/she has furnished any incorrect / false information or has suppressed any relevant information / material fact(s), his / her candidature is liable to be rejected. If any of the above shortcomings is/are detected, even after appointment, his/her services are liable for suitable action including termination and prosecution. 3. Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and /or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in Ranipet and courts/Tribunals/Forums (Jurisdiction Courts) at Ranipet only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause / dispute. 4. Management reserves the right to disqualify any candidate who is unable to produce relevant documents in proof of qualification and experience. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained. 5. Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID. They are also advised to keep this email ID active for a period of minimum one year, as any important intimation to them shall be provided by BHEL through e-mail. 6. Any form of canvassing or bringing extraneous pressure will be disqualification and will render the candidate ineligible for selection.




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