
The only explosions going off on January 6 were fired by police.

January 6th investigative reporter Free State Will published a major finding last night on his Twitter page.

In his latest court filing he dissected sworn testimony from USCP Counsel Thomas DiBiase and fould that Capitol Police are withholding THOUSANDS of hours of CCTV footage from Congress and from the January 6 political prisoners.

Why is that?

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported – with video proof – there was no major violence on January 6th until the police started firing on Trump supporters with rubber bullets, gas cannisters, exploding cannisters.

J6 Political prisoner Jeffrey McKellop, a former special forces member and US contractor, told us it was when the Capitol Police THREW an elderly woman down the stairs nearly 10 feet three different times is when the crowd erupted that day.

We found the video.

This is what they do not want the American public to see. It is scenes like this and others where government operatives are filmed working the crowd that the US government and Capitol Police do not want you to see.

Via Free State Will.

The government continues to hide evidence from the American public as they force the J6 political prisoners into silence.

This is not what our Founding Fathers envisioned for our country.

Today there are dozens of J6 political prisoners behind bars for two years without a trial.


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