

Resource Persons (M.A, M.Phil/Ph.D)

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National Testing Service -India, CIIL,, Mysore , Karnataka  570006


M.A. in English Literature / Language, Linguistics, or in interdisciplinary areas such as Culture Studies, Communication, and Functional English. However, candidates having a higher degree such as MPhil or/and PhD in the above subjects / areas will be given preference.


a) Apart from the TA(Travelling Allowance) as per the institute norms, resource persons having MA / MPhil / Ph.D. qualification will to be paid honorarium of Rs. 750 / 800 / 1000 per working day, respectively. b) Candidates will be duly acknowledged / recognized for their successfully completion of the work as per rules and decision of the supervising authority.


Proven background in academic/research writing. Intermediate written communication in Hindi / Translation skills from Hindi to English and vice versa.


a) Excellent written communication skills and flair for academic writing in English. b) Excellent MS office skills (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) c) Work autonomously, meeting deadlines, and multi-tasking. d) Familiarity of working with academic referencing styles such as APA, MLA and CHICAGO, and related tools.


a) Must be able to develop / create / write content in English pertaining to the discipline of linguistics, literature, culture, etc. with clarity, consistency, and coherence. b) Must be able to conduct independent research by referring to text books / journals / papers / articles / Internet / Academic Database, etc. c) Must be able to switch between different interdisciplinary areas/given tasks from time to time as per requirement.

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

Those who are willing to apply for the workshop can download the prescribed application format given below. The scaned copie of duly filled in application form along with detailed CV / Resume, and writing samples (if available) in PDF format may be sent to the headnts@gmail.com within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement i.e within 13-10-2021.


1. The Scholars applying for these positions should be willing to stay here for 45 working days. Any break (except under unavoidable situations) during the workshop will not be entertained. 2. The candidates must have their own laptops (minimum configuration of Core 2 duo processor with 4 GB RAM and windows 7 & above) for the purpose of assigned work. Office space and internet connection will be provided. 3. The candidates successfully shall complete the assigned work within given deadline to be eligible for any honorarium. 4. The period of the workshop may be extended or reduced given the volume and nature of work, availability of funds, or due to any unforeseen reasons. In such case, the candidates may immediately be asked to leave the work / hostel / premises, etc. In any such case, decision of the supervising/competent authorities will be final and binding. 5. Participation in such academic workshops is purely temporary and need-based in nature. It does not amount to any claim / favor / priority to any other position in the Schemes / Projects / Unit of the Institute. CIIL Recruitment 6. All participants must abide by the code of conduct / guidelines laid down by competent authority during their participation in the programme / workshop. CIIL is a subordinate office functioning under MoE, New Delhi, and Government of India. Any violation / misconduct during the programme/workshop will attract serious disciplinary action as per the institute / GOI rules. 7. The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason.




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