
New Delhi. If you want to start your own business, then today we will tell you about a great business idea. Yes.. today we are telling you about such an agriculture related business idea, which you can start small level business easily by investing minimum money. Let us tell you that the business of agriculture sector is such an area, where there is a lot of potential to earn profit. This is such an area that even the epidemic cannot affect, the agriculture sector contributes the most to the country’s GDP.

Today we are telling you about Beekeeping business, you can start it in minimum money and earn in lakhs every month. The most important thing about this business is that you can also take subsidy from the government to start it. So let’s know about this business..how to start it?…how much will the earning be everything…

What is beekeeping business? (What is Beekeeping business?)
Beekeeping is one such business from which a large number of people are earning. It is a low cost domestic industry. This is such an employment that people from every section of the society can be benefited by adopting it. Beekeeping also has the potential to increase agricultural and horticultural production. Bees are wild creatures of the insect class living in the Mon community, keeping them in an artificial planet (hive) according to their habits and growing them and getting honey and wax etc. is called beekeeping or silence. This area is considered to be completely dependent on nature, but since the use of science and technology in agriculture, the agriculture sector has become a very big and vast area. Anyone can start it.

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How to do business? (How to start Beekeeping business)
First, seek area-specific information from professional beekeeper associations to help you maintain your bee colony.
Regional bee diseases, other pests that can affect bees. Find out about general support information for new beekeepers.
Inquire about existing beehive locations and the types of honey commonly produced in your area.
The first thing you need to do is to evaluate your beekeeping operations after your first harvest. So planning is a very important part of any business model. Check the health of your bees and hives.
Work with your beekeeper association to refine your hive maintenance techniques. Compare your expenses with your honey and beeswax income. Determine whether you should expand your supply of beeswax to further increase the market.
To get started, you can obtain a business license from your city or county clerk’s office and inquire about other permits.
Contact your state revenue department regarding a sales license for the sale of your bee-related products and consult with an agricultural attorney about state beekeeping laws.

Know How is Beekeeping Market?
Along with honey there are many other products that you can produce such as beeswax, royal jelly, propolis or bee gum, bee pollen. All these products are very beneficial for humans and are very expensive in the market. That is, there is a lot of demand in the market. We are telling you about the market value of these products, so that you can know how you will earn money from its various products.

Government will give subsidy up to 85%
The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has launched a central scheme named ‘Development of Beekeeping for Improving Crop Productivity’. In this scheme, to develop this sector, increase productivity, do training and spread awareness. National Bee Board (NBB) in collaboration with NABARD has formulated schemes for financing the beekeeper business in India. They also provide assistance for employment of women in this sector. You can visit the nearest National Bee Board office or get information from the website. Explain that the government gives subsidy from 80 to 85% on beekeeping. You can take advantage of starting this business.

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How will you earn in lakhs every month?
You can start this business with minimum investment. You will earn up to 5 lakhs every month from this. Let’s know how…
Current market price of honey = Rs 500 (depends on different brands). So suppose you get a yield of 1000 kg per box, then you will earn = Rs.5,00000 (5 lakh).
Let’s say you create 50 colonies, the total income will be Rs 2, 5000000 (2 crore).
This is average data, you can also start with some colonies and produce honey. Within a few years of running this business, your earning potential will become crores of rupees very soon.

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