
By virtue of the provisions by the new Milleproroghe decreeL’use of the electronic prescription was extended until 31 December 2024. An extension of a further year compared to the provisions of the last Milleproroghe, which came into force on 29 December 2022.

So it will still be possible receive the dematerialized recipe by email or smswithout it being necessary go in person in your general practitioner’s office to collect it. Introduced by the government in March 2020 to avoid unnecessary travel during the pandemic emergencyIndeed, the measure allows doctors across the country to electronically send to patients the prescriptions useful for carrying out specialist examinations or for purchasing medicines.

In December they had been especially the protests of the doctors to push the government not to cancel an instrument that had proved itself very helpful, speeding up practices and streamlining queues in clinics. The same president of the Order of Doctors Filippo Rings, to The sun 24 hourshe confirmed that he had “consulted the secretariat of the minister” della Salute Orazio Schillaci in those weeks, “noting the deadline”, at the time set for the end of 2022.

This is good news, but it is clear that this time must be used to define a structural solution“, explains to the agency Adnkronos the general secretary of the Federation of general practitioners (Fimmg) Silvestro Scotti. “To the citizen – goes on – The health card alone should be enough to pick up the medicines prescribed by your doctor at the pharmacy or take an exam. As already happens, for example, in Veneto and Piedmont“.

Scotti underlines how all data can be content and transmitted in the health cardwithout circulating more prints, not even those that the pharmacist has to do today for bureaucratic compliance. And it would be too an important response for the ecological transitionbecause it means less costs, less paper, less trees cut down, less toner, less environmental pollution. All this through an already tested digital process, active in various Regions since before the Covid”.



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