
A new consumer survey from the University of Michigan found that the American people are feeling good about the direction of the economy and inflation.

Check out the full data from the University of Michigan. The most recent month can be found on page four.

CNN summarized:

The university’s preliminary reading for June showed that consumer sentiment rose 8% from the prior month, “reflecting greater optimism as inflation eased and policymakers resolved the debt ceiling crisis,” according to a release. Sentiment is at its highest level in four months.

Consumers’ inflation expectations for the year ahead retreated for the second straight month, declining to 3.3% early this month from 4.2% in May.

This Is Very Good News For Democrats Ahead Of 2024

One of the key components of a president winning reelection has traditionally been a solid economy and voters being satisfied with the direction while feeling good about the future.

When voters are worried about the future, they are more likely to make a change. If President Biden steadily guides the country and voters feel good about the economy, Republicans will not have much to work with in 2024. If the Republican nominee is Donald Trump, Republicans might find themselves in too deep of a hole to dig themselves out of.

Trump represents corruption, chaos, and instability to the majority of the country. He is perhaps the worst person that Republicans could nominate as their candidate to make the argument against a second Biden presidential term.

The country is not back on pre-pandemic footing, but the data suggests that the United States is moving in the right direction. If progress and optimism continue to grow, Republicans might not have a viable path to victory in 2024.


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