
Android Auto currently represents the best Google has to offer in terms of infotainment, waiting for Android Automotive to take hold in a concrete way.

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The use of Android Auto on smartphones and by car is closely related with that of Maps, Google’s home maps and navigation service. Maps has always provided for a significant limitation for those who use the app on smartphones and Android Auto. This consists unable to open Maps on the phone, and Maps itself is running on Android Auto.

So quite surprisingly Google decided to remove this limitation. In fact, in the last few hours several users on Reddit have reported the possibility of opening the Google Maps app on their smartphone despite being running on Android Auto.

This limitation turned out to be enough frustratingalso from our experience, because the Google Maps smartphone app certainly offers more options than the one on Android Auto.

These mainly concern the options customization of navigation.

The novelty of the simultaneous opening of Maps on smartphones and Android Auto would come with one of the most recent updates of the Google Maps Android app. The version on which the novelty was noticed would correspond to the 11.67.0701. The availability of this new feature would be independent of the version of the Maps app you have on Android Auto.

At the moment it is not clear whether Google has started the distribution of this novelty for all users at the level global. Let us know if it has already arrived in your area.


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