
While students are awaiting the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) term 1 results, most schools have begun the preparation process for the term 2 exams. Unlike term 1, the second term will feature subjective-type questions. The board had changed the exam process this time and hence students might be unfamiliar with how to attempt the exams. Schools have been helping their students via practice tests of the new paper pattern, exam revision as well as workshops.

Schools say the major focus for the CBSE term 2 boar exams 2022 is on writing good subjective answers. “Reiteration of chapters to strengthen concepts with emphasis on regular written practice through worksheets, practice tests, etc, is being done. Students are being guided to use mathematical tips and tricks to crack the questions in a smarter manner and major focus is on teaching nuances of writing subjective answers precisely yet with all key points in place,” said Seema Kaur, Principal, Pacific World School.

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She added that special workshops are being conducted to acquaint the students with the art of writing good subjective answers by accentuating underlining keywords, proper line spacing, etc. “It has become a regular feature to help them understand the necessity of a good visual appeal too. The idea is to give ample written practice to students to enable them to improve their answers with proper feedback and face the board exam confidently,” she adds.

The second term examinations put focus on pen and paper practice. The key for scoring well will be revising basic concepts, preparing reasoning-based questions with their rationale, also working on case study-based questions, managing your word limit as per the time allotted, explains Anshu Mittal, Principal, MRG School, Rohini.

“We advise students to engage in reading with the help of answer keys, for understanding expected questions. Students must work on their language expression using introduction, body, conclusion for each answer category. We are preparing our students to give online as well offline exams. Students have developed a fear of giving offline exams as they are not in a practice doing so for long,” adds Mittal.

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CBSE has already announced that the term 2 exams will begin on April 26. While in term 1, the questions were objective-based, that is, multiple-choice questions wherein out of the four options, students were to choose the correct answer, in term 2, the papers are going to be subjective. It will have a mix of questions from multiple-choice, short answers to long answer type questions. The board is expected to announce the detailed date sheet after declaring the term 1 results.

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