Technical Manager (B.Tech/B.E, M.Sc, MCA)
No of
Please check with the concern authority or website
Recruitment Section, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, , New Delhi, Delhi 110068
(i) MCA / B.Tech/ B.E(CS/IT) / M.Sc (Computer Science/IT) from a recognized University with 55% marks. At least 04 years of experience in Industries/PSU/GOI Projects or Pvt. Sector Company of repute OR ODL of a University system in Networking Cloud Services, OR Software Application development Deployment OR Database Management (Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading, Specialized Data Handling, Database backup and Recovery, Security/Authentication, capacity planning, Performance monitoring and Tuning (ii) At least 4 years of experience in Networking/Cloud Management, Software Application development in Industries/PSU/GoI Projects or Pvt. Sector company of repute or ODL system of a University
(Rs.15600-39100) PB-2, GP-Rs 5400 Revised Scale as per 7 th CPC: Level-10
Maximum 42 years
Networking Cloud Services, OR Software Application development Deployment OR Database Management (Data Extraction, Transformation and Loading, Specialized Data Handling, Database backup and Recovery, Security/Authentication, capacity planning, Performance monitoring and Tuning
How to
Apply For
vacancy :
1. Please visit the University’s website: for detailed advertisement, qualifications, eligibility criteria and general instructions. The online link will be made available from 20.09.2021 with last date on 19.10.2021 (23:59:59 hrs.) 2. Candidate will be required to produce all original certificates relating to his/ her age, qualification, experience and caste etc. at the time of document verification and/or interview. In case the candidate fails to submit the original documents for verification of the certified/ Xerox copies of the enclosures to his/ her application, he/she shall not be allowed to appear at the written test/interview and his candidature shall be treated as cancelled without any further notice or communication in this regard. 3. Candidate(s) claiming experience has to produce Certificate(s) to this effect in the prescribed proforma from the Head(s)/Authorised person of Organization(s)/Department(s) for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date, month & year) indicating the basic pay, pay scale, level Matrix as per 7th CPC and consolidated pay. The certificate(s) should also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained on the post(s) with duration(s). 4. Applications received incomplete or without signature, fee and other enclosures, will be rejected. 5. The candidates may raise their legal dispute arising out of this Recruitment notice, if any to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Delhi only.
1. Before filling up the Online Recruitment Application Form on , the applicants must go through the detailed Advertisement and satisfy themselves that they possess the minimum Essential Qualifications, are below the upper age limit prescribed and possess relevant experience required for the post applying for. Application(s) received from ineligible candidates shall be out rightly rejected. Applications received through other modes other than online also stand rejected. 2. Any type of corrigendum/addendum/amendments/notice/updation etc. related to this advertisement shall be uploaded on University websites only. The university will not send any further information/call letters by post/newspapers in this regard. IGNOU will not be responsible for invalid/wrong email ID and Mobile No. mentioned by the candidates. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the candidate to mention correct contact details and regularly check their email, SMS and IGNOU websites for updates. 3. The date for determining the eligibility of all the candidates (i.e. age, qualifications and experience etc.) shall be the prescribed closing date for submission of Online Recruitment Application, unless specified otherwise.
Indira Gandhi National Open University Recruitment 4. The applicants are advised to fill in all their particulars in the Online Recruitment Application carefully as submission of wrong information may lead to rejection during short-listing apart from debarment by the University. 5. All the educational qualifications mentioned should be from a University/Institute recognized by Govt. of India/approved by the Government Regulatory bodies and the result should have been declared on or before the last date of submitting the online Application Form. 6. The candidates are NOT required to send the printouts of their online applications to the University. Please retain a print out of your finally submitted online application (complete with Payment Details, if not fee-exempted applicant) as a proof of submission of your application to the University, whenever required. 7. All candidates whether in Government service or in Government owned industrial or other similar organizations or in private employment should submit their applications online directly to the University. Persons already in Government service, whether in permanent or temporary capacity other than casual/adhoc/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis would be required to submit a declaration, whenever asked by the University, that they had informed in writing to their Head of Office/Department while applying for this selection, and must submit ‘NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE’ from employer at the time of verification of documents when called for. 8. Applicants under EWS category will be considered subject to submission of Income & Assets certificate on a prescribed format with crucial date being the closing date for submission of application provided the post is identified under EWS. 9. Certificate to the effect that no vigilance/criminal case is pending/contemplated against the candidate, who are already working in Central/State Govt./UT Administration or Central/ State Autonomous/ Statutory Organizations/ PSUs/ Reputed Private Organization is also to be submitted by the candidates applying through proper channel as and when called for. List of penalties/fine (if any) imposed during preceding 3-5 years has to be provided by the applicants applying through proper channel. Suppression of any information will lead to disqualification /termination at any stage. 10. The Candidates not covered above will have to submit an undertaking/self-declaration to the effect that no criminal case is pending /contemplated against him/her. 11. The candidates may apply for more than one post, subject to fulfilling eligibility for the post(s) and after ascertaining the fact whether timing for conduct of CBT(if required) for different posts is at the same time or at different time. 12. Candidates also note that their candidature will remain provisional till the genuineness of the document related to Age, Education, Experience; Caste etc. are verified from issuing Authority. 13. Candidates in their own interest are advised to register on-line and submit their applications well in time before the last date as mentioned for the posts, to avoid the possibility of disconnection / inability / failure to log on the University’s website on account of heavy load on internet / website jam. The University does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit their applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reasons beyond the control of the University. 14. Applications without the prescribed fee will not be entertained and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection would be entertained. Fee once paid shall neither be refunded nor the fee be adjusted under any circumstances. Any tax or Bank charges will borne by the candidate(s). 15. At any given point of time if it is detected that any candidate has furnished any false information/particulars with regard to his/her qualification, category/cast and experience in the Application Form or in any document and/or mispresented/suppressed any material fact in the application form, for securing appointment in the University, his/her service will be terminated forthwith during probation period or even after confirmation of the service in the University. 16. The University reserves the right to short list the candidates on merit, experience, written and/or skill test, as the case may be. The University reserves the right to fix criteria viz screening test/qualification/experience etc to short list the candidates to be called for interview/CBT on receipt of huge number of application. Decision of the University in all matters regarding Recruitment Process/Eligibility of the candidate/the documents to be produced/conduct of CBT/Written Test/Skill Test/Interview and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate. 17. University may, at its discretion, hold re-examination / re-interview wherever necessary in respect of a centre / venue / specified post or candidate/s due to administrative reasons. 18. Visually Impaired (VI) candidate(s) and candidate(s) whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy /muscular dystrophy/ candidate(s) with Locomotor disability (one arm)/Intellectual disability (Autism, specific learning disability and mental illness) can avail the assistance of Scribe for writing answers on their behalf. For engaging the scribe, candidate(s) will have to indicate the same while filling ONLINE application form. 19. At the time of CBT/written examination/interview, if a candidate is found guilty of using unfair means or impersonating or misbehaving in the examination hall/interview hall, wherever applicable, or resorting to any other unfair means in connection with his/her candidature for the selection; or obtaining support of his/her candidature by any means, such candidate will be liable to criminal prosecution, and disqualified from the examination/interview either permanently or for a specified period from any examination or selection of the University. 20. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification 21. The candidates may raise their legal dispute arising out of this Recruitment notice, if any to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Delhi only.
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