
Primary Responsibilities:

Understand and study the global automotive supplier industry.
Leverage secondary sources such as OneSource and other automotive-specific subscription-based sources and if required, primary sources.
Create an effective search strategy. Collate, organize and analyse complex data / information and present them as useful insights.
Create research reports and analyse players in the automotive supplier industry focusing on their strategic initiatives and financial performance.
Track developments in the industry on a regular basis and contribute to daily creation of news content.
Work in teams, with deadlines and contribute to team-building efforts.
Skills Required:

Exposure to business research – secondary/primary research
Good understanding of the automotive industry, preferably with an international outlook and markets together with good product knowledge
Excellent writing and verbal communication skills in the Business English
Team player, strong interpersonal skills
Good analytical skills, effective problem-solving
Leverage secondary sources such as OneSource and other automotive-specific subscription-based sources and if required, primary sources.
Create an effective search strategy. Collate, organize and analyse complex data / information and present them as useful insights.
Create research reports and analyse players in the automotive supplier industry focusing on their strategic initiatives and financial performance.
Track developments in the industry on a regular basis and contribute to daily creation of news content.
Work in teams, with deadlines and contribute to team-building efforts.


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