Librarian (M.Sc) (CLOSED) in Indian Institute of Management Indore Recruitment
Librarian (M.Sc) (CLOSED)
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Pithampur Rd, , , Indore, Madhya Pradesh 453556
Master’s degree in Library/Information/Documentation science with at least 55 percent marks or its equivalent grade and consistently good academic record. PhD in the above or allied discipline is desirable.
Salary will not be a constraint for the deserving candidate and will be decided only after the interview. The candidate must have drawn the latest salary at the level of Pay level 12 (as per 7th CPC) or equivalent.
Master’s degree in Library/Information/Documentation science with at least 55 percent marks or its equivalent grade and consistently good academic record. PhD in the above or allied discipline is desirable.
The applicant should have at least thirteen years of experience as Deputy Librarian in a University Library or eighteen years of experience as a college Librarian or equivalent professional experience. She/He should show the evidence of innovative library services and organization of published works. It is desirable to have experience of integrating Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in a library /experience with ICT in a library.
How to
Apply For
IIM Indore
vacancy :
Interested and eligible candidates are requested to send their application in the Prescribed Format along with scanned copies of Qualification Certificates (One PDF file for all qualifications certificates as Experience Certificate (One PDF file for all Experience certificates as and Category/PwD certificate if applicable (One PDF file for Category and PwD certificates as via email at career@iimidr.ac.in with superscribed subject as “Application For The Post Of Librarian” on or before September 17, 2021.
1. Application without Prescribed Format and Annexures as mentioned in point no.1 will not be considered. The application is only to be sent through email on career@iimidr.ac.in. No other mode of application will be considered. 2. Mere fulfilling of the minimum qualification and experience requirements will not confer any right on the candidates for being called for Interview or/and their selection. 3. Candidates not found suitable for the position may be considered for a lower position or on a lower pay scale or on an appropriate consolidated salary. 4. The Institute reserves the right not to select anyone without assigning any reason. 5. The Institute reserves the right to change/apply appropriate shortlisting criteria in case of large number of applications. 6. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard. 7. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. 8. Incomplete application without proper supporting documents will be summarily rejected. 9. Application fee of ₹ 1,000/- (Rupees one thousand only) plus applicable GST which is non-refundable, is required to be paid online at https://forms.eduqfix.com/iimindoreapplicationrecr/add. The candidate has to provide a Qfix Reference Number of the Application fee in the prescribed Format after making the payment. Candidates who belong to SC/ST/PwD category and women candidates are exempted from paying application fee. While making payment please mention “6/2021” as the Recruitment Number in the online payment portal. 10. The position will remain open until filled.
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