Job Description:
Software Engineer for Tracer ES product development platform – primarily web and mobile based application development.
Candidate Profile:
1. 0 to 2 years with Microsoft ASP.Net based web development version 2.0 and above
2. 0 to 2 years with C# as primary programming language version 2.0and above
3. Adept at Javascript, CSS and HTML rich client development cross browser development and standards.
4. Software Construction Understand construction fundamentals; minimize complexity, anticipate change, plan for verification and configuration management.
Software Engineer for Tracer ES product development platform – primarily web and mobile based application development.
Candidate Profile:
1. 0 to 2 years with Microsoft ASP.Net based web development version 2.0 and above
2. 0 to 2 years with C# as primary programming language version 2.0and above
3. Adept at Javascript, CSS and HTML rich client development cross browser development and standards.
4. Software Construction Understand construction fundamentals; minimize complexity, anticipate change, plan for verification and configuration management.
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