
NEW DELHI: Kerala University on Monday announced offering a 6-month maternity leave to female students. This comes ahead of International Women’s Day 2023 which will be celebrated on March 8, 2023, around the world. The provision has been announced weeks after the state government notified that higher education institutions (HEIs) in the state could limit the required attendance percentage for female students to 73% to provide menstrual leave.
Upon rejoining the college, students will have to submit their medical records and doctor’s prescriptions to the college authorities. The university syndicate said the onus would be on the principals of colleges to cross-check the medical records of students who have taken maternity leave and allow them to rejoin the college without having to take admission again or seek the university’s approval.
Other than Kerala University, Cochin University of Science and Technology has also offered its students maternity leave of 60 days. CUST was also the first university to provide menstrual leaves to female students. Kerala University of Health Sciences will also be offering 6 months of maternity leave to the students.
Meanwhile, the demand for menstrual leaves in educational institutions continues. Recently, the Supreme Court dismissed a petition seeking menstrual leaves for female students and women in educational institutions and workplaces and directed the petitioner to take the matter to the Ministry of Women and Child Development.


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