It’s more fun than you might think.
Tell me better.
Provided you’re not dying or suffering from dementia, you have much less to lose. You can color much more outside the lines, especially compared to today’s youth, in the age of anxiety. People are afraid of being attacked by their peers on social media. They have not been tempered by fire. If you’ve been tempered, you can let go.
Actually the question I wanted to ask you – about the way our perspectives change over time – refers to one of the stories contained in Old Babes in the Woods, Freeforallwhich imagines a world where widespread fear of disease leads to government tyranny, originally published in 1986.
Oh yes. The editors were very interested in including it. They thought it was of historical interest as it is sort of a reversal of the Handmaid’s Tale.
Ah, so she didn’t choose him?
I thought it was too long so I changed it a bit. I mean, I think it’s of historical interest too, but as a story in itself it wouldn’t be at the top of my list. I’m doing self-criticism.
I found it amazing. I assumed that*__ __*had she chose to include it.
Well, if I had wanted to stick it out, I could have said no.
I also wanted to ask you if today you feel as tied to this story as when you wrote it. Yes Do you still feel connected to the works you wrote decades ago?
Me when I was writing this? Of course not.
Do you feel at least the same person?
No. I’ve aged. It would be bizarre if you were the same person. I would be a vampire.
So it generally doesn’t consider updating or revising old works…
A whole book? No. I changed Freeforall to make it more synthetic. But to remake a novel, no.
I don’t think he should remake any of his novels, however.
I am a snapshot in time. They are products of their era. To my surprise, The woman to eat [il romanzo d’esordio di Atwood, pubblicato nel 1969, nda] still sells a lot. It was a work of the era when there weren’t even pantyhose.
Only socks?
Two stockings, and you held them up with garters or girdles. But young people still have a connection with The woman to eat, because it talks about the problem of work: what will you live on? What jobs can you do and what comes next? Should I get married? I mean, “Should I get married?” in those days it was a more pressing question.
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