Job Description:
Profile 1 Trainee 2014 :- Miracle JOB ENABLED TRAINING – is a self-financed Job Enabling Initiative. It has 4 months of an Intensive Industry -relevant Training followed by Placement in an IT company OR an assured stipendiary period based work experience in Software Application / Testing/DBA/Embedded/Mobile .
The work experience ensures you get the much-required technical expertise, corporate skills and domain articulation in the IT, ITES, Embedded or other industries. As a team member, you are mentored by finest project Leaders of TOP IT companies..
Profile 2 Software Engineer ( JOB code 102 ):- 2012/2011/2013 Passout and Certified in Java(OCJP),.Net 4.5 (MCTS) ,Php(Zend),Embedded(Android+ARM) can apply for outsourcing to client site .Prefer ICSE/CBSE Board
Profile 1 Trainee 2014 :- Miracle JOB ENABLED TRAINING – is a self-financed Job Enabling Initiative. It has 4 months of an Intensive Industry -relevant Training followed by Placement in an IT company OR an assured stipendiary period based work experience in Software Application / Testing/DBA/Embedded/Mobile .
The work experience ensures you get the much-required technical expertise, corporate skills and domain articulation in the IT, ITES, Embedded or other industries. As a team member, you are mentored by finest project Leaders of TOP IT companies..
Profile 2 Software Engineer ( JOB code 102 ):- 2012/2011/2013 Passout and Certified in Java(OCJP),.Net 4.5 (MCTS) ,Php(Zend),Embedded(Android+ARM) can apply for outsourcing to client site .Prefer ICSE/CBSE Board
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