
नेशनल वाटर डेवलपमेंट एजेंसी

Job Description – Assistant Engineer

Assistant Engineer (Group ‘B’ non-ministerial) on direct recruitment basis. The vacancies are tentative in nature
and may decrease or increase as per requirement of the Organization. The Age, Educational Qualification, Desirable
Qualification, Number of Posts to be filled in the different categories and Scale of Pay are detailed below:

1. Assistant Engineer – 03 Posts (७२-02, 57-01)

Pay Level ~ 7 (Rs.44900-142400/-) of the Pay Matrix

Age Limit: Minimum-21 years and Maximum-27 years

(Relaxable: 05 years for ST candidate)

(Relaxable for departmental employees upto 5 years with three years continuous service in Central Government)

Essential Qualification: Possessing Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent from a recognized University or equivalent, and

Desirable Experience: Three years experience in the field of irrigation and water utilization/or in surveys,
investigation, designs, construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation projects/works.

2. Selection Procedure

  1. The Screening of eligible candidates shall be carried out based on best of the scores in Graduate Aptitude Test in
    Engineering (GATE)-2021 & 2022 opting one paper of Civil Engineering.
  2. Shortlisted candidates (10 times of total number of vacancies) shall be invited for Personal Interaction/Documents
    verification to finalize the panel.

3. Application Processing Fee

An Application Processing Fee of Rs.890/- + GST+ Bank Charges for General category and Rs.550/- + GST+ Bank Charges
for ST category candidate is payable through payment gateway. The application processing fee shall not be accepted in
any other form. Fees once paid shall NOT be refunded under any circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any
other examination or selection.


  • Eligible and desirous candidates may apply through online mode only up to 11.59 Midnight, 29.05.2023 by visiting the
    NWDA’s website www.nwda.gov.in. Do not send any printout of filled-in application
    or other documents to the organization. Candidates have to make sure that they are fully eligible for the post they are
    applying for and the original certificates/documents in support of the information furnished in the online application
    form are to be provided at a later stage of recruitment process. No deviation, whatsoever, from the filled-in details
    will be entertained under any circumstances.
  • Candidates who wish to apply, are advised to log on to Vacancy page of Website www.nwda.gov.in and fill to the
    Application Form and attached scan copy of certificate of Age (10t® Certificate), Caste Certificate (If applicable) &
    GATE score card. Thereafter download the duly filled in form for record.
  • Candidates are advised to fill the information carefully in the online application form. Organization will neither be
    responsible for any wrong information furnished nor accept any subsequent requests for making any corrections by the
    candidate(s). The candidate(s) shall be solely responsible for the information filled in the online application form. No
    change/deviation, whatsoever, will be entertained.
  • Incomplete application/partially filled application/application without supporting documents will summarily be
  • NWDA reserves the right not to fill up the post, cancel the Advt. in whole or in part without assigning any reason
    and its decision in this regard shall be final and binding.
  • Any modification/correction/addition etc., if any related to the Advertisement and /or related to the recruitment
    process will be uploaded on NWDA website only. No other means of communication will be used for the same. Therefore,
    the candidates are advised to periodically visit the NWDA website for updates, it any.
  • The candidates shall be eligible for relaxation, if applicable, as per GOI rules from time to time. Age shall be
    reckoned as on closing date of online application, i.e. as on 29.05.2023.
  • The organization reserves the right to assign/transfer the selected candidates to any section/department within the
    organization. Appointments may be offered accordingly as per requirement of the organization.
  • All qualification obtained by the candidates should be from any recognized University/Institution. The NWDA reserves
    the right to relax any of the qualifications/experience in exceptional cases. Any experience gained after the minimum
    qualifying degree will only be taken into consideration. The NWDA may verify the antecedents and documents submitted by
    a candidate during the tenure of his/her service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted by the candidates
    are fake or the candidate has a clandestine antecedents/background and has suppressed any information, then his/her
    service shall be terminated and legal action may also be initiated against such candidates/employees.
  • Persons, who are already in Government Service, should route/submit their application through respective
    office/department and should submit “No Objection Certificate” obtained from the authority competent to issue such NOC
    at the time of interview.
  • Candidates may note that the job of Assistant Engineer at with All India Transfer liability.
  • The jurisdiction for all legal matters for this recruitment will be at New Delhi and legal cases filed (if any) in
    other courts will not be maintainable.


Assistant Engineer Vacancy – Last Date 29  June  2023  (Delhi), National Water Development Agency (NWDA) recruits Assistant Engineer Post. Candidate with Civil Engineering  experience can apply.

Assistant Engineer (B.Tech/B.E)(CLOSED) in National Water Development Agency – NWDA Recruitment


Assistant Engineer (B.Tech/B.E)(CLOSED)

No of



Please check with the concern authority or website




National Water Development Agency, New Delhi, Delhi  110016


Degree in Civil Engineer


Level-7: Rs.44900- 142400 of Pay Matrix


Between 21-27 year

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

Opening Date Of Application: 16.11.2020 b) Closing Date Of Application: 31.12.2020




Official Website Document

Assistant Engineer Vacancy – Last Date 31 December 2020 (Delhi), National Water Development Agency (NWDA) recruits Assistant Engineer Post. Candidate with B.Tech/B.E experience can apply.

Chief Engineer (B.Tech/B.E) in National Water Development Agency – NWDA Recruitment


Chief Engineer (B.Tech/B.E)

No of



Please check with the concern authority or website




National Water Development Agency , New Delhi, Delhi  110012


Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent, and possessing experience in the applied research in the field of irrigation and water utilization and/ or experience in surveys, investigations, designs, preparation of irrigation projects, construction, operation and maintenance of irrigation projects/ works.


Rs.131100 to 216600/- Per Month


The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation (including Short Term Contract) shall not exceed 56 years as on the closing date for receipt of application

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

Complete Bio-data of suitable and willing officers, who fulfill the requisite qualification and experience for the post, may be obtained in the format enclosed and forwarded duly certified by the Competent Authority, along with their up to date Annual Performance Appraisal Report Dossiers (last 5 years ending with 2018-2019) and Vigilance Clearance Certificate to the Deputy Director (Admn.), National Water development Agency, 18-20, Community Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110017,so as to reach within a period of 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News for further action. The candidates, once selected for the post, will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently. The incomplete applications received will not entertained.




Official Website Document

Chief Engineer Vacancy – Last Date 06 December 2020 (Delhi), National Water Development Agency (NWDA) recruits Chief Engineer Post. Candidate with B.Tech/B.E experience can apply.

Director General (B.Tech/B.E) (CLOSED) in National Water Development Agency – NWDA Recruitment


Director General (B.Tech/B.E) (CLOSED)

No of







National Water Development Agency – NWDA, New Delhi, Delhi  110001


Degree in civil Engineering or equivarent quarilication from a recognized University/ lnstitution


Rs. 1,82,200 – Rs. 2,24,100/-Per Month


58 years


Having worked extensively in the field of Water Resources with at least 20 years of professional experience in surveys, investigations, planning and preparation of proiects reports, design and construction of major irrigation, hydro-electric, flood control and multipurpose projects. of which at least’10 years experience should be in the senior managdment level.

How to
Apply For
vacancy :

lnterested and eligible officers may send their application duly signed (in triplicate) in the prescribed proforma to :- The Under secretary (Estt.lV), Department of water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Room No. 424, Shram Shakti Bhavan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi – 110001 through proper channel. The application should be received within a period of 60 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News. Applications received after the last date and incomplete applications will not be considered. While forwarding the application along with up to date CRs (APARs) of last 5 years in original, of the officer, the Cadre/ Administrative Authorities should certify that there is no Vigilance or disciplinary action either pending or contemplaied against the office(s).




Official Website Document

Director General Vacancy – Last Date 09 September 2019 (Delhi), National Water Development Agency (NWDA) recruits Director General Post. Candidate with B.Tech/B.E experience can apply.


NWDA Recruitment 2023 , नेशनल वाटर डेवलपमेंट एजेंसी

Reservation and Relaxation:

Age will be reckoned on the closing date for receipt of application.
(i) No age relaxation will be allowed to SC/ST/OBC candidates against the
unreserved post (as per GOI order No.36011/1/98/Estt.(Res) dated
01.07.1998) and amended from time to time
(ii) Reservation and relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates in age will be
provided as per Government of India guidelines and amended from time to
(iii) Category (UR/SC/ST/OBC) once filled through online applications that will
not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on.
(iv) Age relaxation for PWD/Ex-servicemen will be provided as per Government
of India guidelines and amended from time to time.
(v) The OBC candidates who belongs to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for
concession admissible to OBC category and such candidates have to
submit requisite certificate in the prescribed format of Government of
India, from the competent authority. Further, OBC (Non-creamy Layer)
candidates will have to submit a self –undertaking indicating that they
belong to OBC (Non-creamy Layer) category also at the time of joining, in
case selected.

Application Fee & Mode of Payment:

Application fee of Rs.650.00 for UR/OBC and Rs.450.00 for ST/SC/PWD/
Female/Ex-serviceman candidates is to be paid online through SB Collect (Net
Banking / Credit or Debit Card).
Selection Criteria: –
(i) For all posts mentioned above the selection/appointment will be made by
conducting a competitive computer based online test from the eligible
candidates after short listing, who fulfill the eligibility criteria.
(ii) Qualifying Skill Test in Shorthand/Typing Speed shall be conducted for the
posts mentioned at Sl. No.3.
(iii) Qualified candidates in online examination test on merit basis will be
called for Typing Test (Qualifying only) for post mentioned at Sl. No.4.
Typing Test will be conducted in English or Hindi with computer only.

Selection Process:

1. Before applying for the posts, the candidate should ensure that he / she
fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in the Advertisement.
Furnishing of wrong / false information will lead to disqualification and
NWDA will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing such wrong
false information.
2. Screening and eligibility will be based on the details provided by the
3. The candidates found provisionally eligible shall be called for On-line
examination and Admit Cards shall be issued to them accordingly. The admit
card for on-line examination will be sent to the eligible candidates on their
registered E-mail ID only.
4. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in On-line
examination and they will be called for Skill Test/Documents verification, as
applicable for the post.
5. Roll numbers of the candidates, shortlisted for Skill Test/Documents
verification, as applicable for the post will be declared on NWDA website only.
The call letter will be sent to the shortlisted candidates on their registered
E-mail ID only.

About National Water Development Agency (NWDA)- नेशनल वाटर डेवलपमेंट एजेंसी:

National Water Development Agency (NWDA) was set up in July, 1982 as Autonomous Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, to carry out the water balance and other studies on a scientific and realistic basis for optimum utilisation of Water Resources of the Peninsular rivers system for preparation of feasibility reports and thus to give concrete shape to Peninsular Rivers Development Component of National Perspective. In 1990, NWDA was also entrusted with the task of Himalayan Rivers Development Component of National Perspectives. Recently, the functions of NWDA have been further modified and the work of preparation of detailed Project Reports (DPR) of various link proposals and Pre-feasibility Reports and feasibility reports of intra-State links as proposed by the States have been included in the functions of NWDA.
Contact Us:National Water Development Agency, 18-20, Community Centre, Saket, New Delhi – 110017
Fax No: 011-26513846
Email :dg-nwda@nic.in
Website Address:http://nwda.gov.in/content/
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