
Agnarsson says that today, when trying to determine whether or not a species of spider represents a new discovery, scientists simply analyze the DNA. Assign a name to theA. biglebowski and atA. dudeHowever, it wasn’t that simple. Agnarsson had to examine the conformation of the two animals – one centimeter long – and in particular of their genitals, to then compare it with that of all the others Anelosimus.

Let’s look at these small structures and in particular the male genitalia – says the scientist – They have four pairs of legs for walking and then these small, fragile front legs, called pedipalps, which are their sex organs. THERE. dude and A. biglebowski have sclerites differently shaped: the Dude has only one pair of rings, while the biglebowski has a couple more. This is the only way to tell them apart“.

The Lesson of the Drug

Though Agnarsson says he hasn’t done a full study yet (a process that would involve years of observing in the wild), whether these two spiders are similar to each other Anelosimus then it’s about pretty unique creatures.

While most spider species are solitary and relatively aggressive towards other arachnids – including potential mates – about twenty species have been discovered extremely social, forming large communities. Ten of these species belong to the genus Anelosimus. In these communities a few groups of arachnids, mostly females, build huge webs in the branches of trees and most of the members work together both to build the webs and to protect the young. Agnarsson explains that there are also some males hovering around the web, but adds that they are “a bit useless” and above all they try to mate.

These Anelosimus spiders are unusual in that they are tolerant of each other“, highlights Agnarsson. It is this feature a remember the Dude a little of the Big Lebowski. “If you consider spiders as a whole – continues the scientist –, the Anelosimus such as A. biglebowski and A. dude they are much more relaxedas long as you are not their prey“.

Agnarsson is currently conducting some research into the unique biomedical properties of the spider silk, which is much lighter and stronger than Kevlar, and against which the human body has no immune response. Agnarsson imagines infinite uses for the material, from very light ropes to as yet unknown medical applications. In the meantime, though, he continues to treasure the lessons he’s learned from his spiders and their namesake.

I’m inspired by the Dude for the way he lives life without worrying too much about the things that happen – tells -. When the world seems a little crazy, you just have to step back and relax“.

This article originally appeared on Wired UK.



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