
Tevva, a British company that is working on the development and marketing of zero-emission heavy vehicles, both electric and hydrogen fuel cells, has published, on its official websitethe results of the winter endurance test that the Tevva Hydrogen dual fuel truck underwent.

You can see the pdf document with the characteristics of Tevva Hydrogen to this links.

Four of the company’s engineers – Charlie Cordell, Byron Dolman, Ryan Clark and Toby Hurst – walked the course more than 1,000 km with the 7.5 t hydrogen electric vehicledriving between Tevva’s London headquarters and the Scottish border at Berwick-on-Tweed, England’s most northerly town.

Tevva Hydrogen truck

On the return journey, the truck traveled almost 563 km without any need to stop to reloadWhy the hydrogen fuel cell provided energy for the battery Extended Range Vehicle (Rex) lithium battery when needed.

Tevva Rex Division Chief Engineer, Charlie Cordell said:

It was a great trip and we are very happy that the truck traveled so many kilometers on the way back, without the need to stop for a refill. The test was an extraordinary demonstration of the autonomy that can be obtained with a truck that uses a mixed system of electricity and hydrogen. The freezing conditions were extremely challenging, but also helpful, in allowing us to gather important data on the vehicle’s performance, meaning we were able to make adjustments here and there and adjust for development.”

The temperatures they were rarely above freezing during the trip, and at one point they dropped to minus 10; the engineers stopped for hydrogen refueling at Element 2 in Teesside on the first leg of the journey, in addition to an earlier stop in the Midlands.

Tevva Hydrogen truck

Andrew Hagan, Chief Development Officer of Element 2, added:

“Providing hydrogen for this meaningful journey is a proud moment. The high range of this fuel cell vehicle is a comfort and reassurance for organizations ordering new vehicles and upgrading their fleets. We are building refueling stations where they are most needed and removing diesel from our roads. This infrastructure will allow truckers who choose Tevva to go the distance.”

Tevva Hydrogen truck

Engineer Ryan Clark commented on the test results:

“On paper, obviously, the range achieved was as expected, but it’s still a good feeling, putting the prototype together and seeing it do that kind of mileage. What we’re doing here at Tevva is interesting. I’m talking to friends who work in the industry automotive industry and in general, new engineers only have the opportunity to follow teams working on significant projects. In Tevva, on the other hand, you have the concrete possibility of getting into practice”.

Toby Hurst, added: “With distance travelled, the truck performed very well, considering the conditions we faced. We even had a good laugh getting the job done. We like to have fun in what we are doing, but we are extremely serious about testing the our vehicles and play our part in the mobility revolution.”

Tevva Hydrogen truck

During the trip, Ryan confessed that the vehicle attracted many curious looks from other travelers, and just as many questions:

“There was some surprise when we told people it was a hydrogen electric truck”he said. “I guess people aren’t used to seeing one. But they will be… eventually.”

Tevva’s hybrid approach, which sees the possibility of charging the battery externally – via a charging station – or internally, using hydrogen from the cells, will allow companies operating in the heavy transport sector to decarbonise their fleets at the required pace both from climate science and from society.

In addition, the UK company is actively working with hydrogen suppliers and refueling station companies to establish low-carbon hydrogen supply chains for customers.



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