Back to writing about James Webb Space Telescope after the results obtained by observing very distant galaxies (e “strangely” very massive) or the globular cluster Messier 92 (M92). The JWST extension the observation of the Universe continues and one of the latest released images concerns thegalaxy cluster RX J2129. In the image there is a particularity, namely the presence of a gravitational lens which magnifies and multiplies even more distant objects that are behind the cluster.
The gravitational lensing it is very useful for scientists to observe distant and very faint objects that would be hidden from the view of scientific instruments. Clearly this kind of observations has some limits such as the distortion caused by the massive object that is placed between the observer and the source. Despite everything it is an absolutely extraordinary vehicle that he already has “given” in the past notable details. In the case ofgalaxy cluster RX J2129 these were the results.
The James Webb Space Telescope and the RX J2129 cluster
L’galaxy cluster RX J2129 it is found at 3.2 billion light years from Earth in the constellation Aquarius. However distant, there are obviously even more distant celestial objects lying behind (from our point of view) this decidedly massive set of galaxies, with so much mass to “fold” the space-time fabric creating effects that can be detected.
Click on the image to enlarge
A galaxy that is behind the cluster has been reproduced three times and distorted precisely because of the gravitational lensing. Even more interesting is that this distant galaxy has within it a supernova observable even in conditions of this type.
The initial detection had taken place thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope and with the James Webb Space Telescope new data has arrived. As reported by the supernova would be of type Ia which are considered “standard candles” from which, thanks to their brightness, their distance from our planet can be deduced.
Also due to the known characteristics of this kind of supernovae, it is possible to understand how much the galaxies of thecluster RX J2129 are zooming in on background objects and how much brighter they might appear, including the galaxy hosting that very supernova.
For the surveys it was used the NIRCam instrument (Near-InfraRed Camera) which observes in the near infrared e NIRS spec for spectroscopy. Particularly the scientists who employed the James Webb Space Telescope for this observation and the results will be released in a new study (or studies) in the coming months. In particular, the wavelengths of 1.15 μm, 1.5 μm, 2.0 μm, 2.77 μm, 3.56 μm and 4.44 μm were detected and assigned the colors blue, green and red (in pairs).
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