
UIDAI Launches AI-based Fingerprint Authentication Facility for Aadhar Card Security, Check out its usage

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) recently instigated a new security mechanism which is an AI-based fingerprint authentication. An official statement said on February 27, 2023 (Monday) that this step has been introduced for faster detection of fraudulent attempts in Aadhar Cards.

This security feature is an amalgamation of both Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies. Also, it has been designed in-house by effectively using a “combination of both finger minutia and finger image” which was put forth with the aim of checking the liveness or genuineness of the fingerprint captured.

Aadhar Verification Transactions

The UIDAI Headquarters and its Regional Offices are connected with all entities for facilitating any user agency (not migrated) to switch over to the newly developed secured authentication mode as soon as possible, as requested by the authorities.

The Aadhaar-based authentication transactions have been significantly adopted as it has resulted in availing several welfare benefits and services.



As per the official data released, the total number of Aadhar authentication transactions was reportedly more than 88.29 billion by the end of December 2022. The average number of transactions per day increased to 70 million. Most of these are fingerprint-based authentications as it symbolizes their usage and utility in day-to-day lives.

Usage of Fingerprint Security Mechanism

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) further announced that the new security instrument will be used for rigorous fingerprint-based Aadhar authentication. The government body also stated that through this step, Aadhaar authentication transactions will become even more secure than before and will expose spoofing activities.

Expectedly, the development will be very useful in the Banking, Telecom and Government sectors. It will also enhance the Aadhaar-enabled payment system and curb unlawful attempts by unscrupulous elements. Hence it is intended to highly benefit the global population.

Benefits of New AI-Based System

Talking about the latest designed security mechanism for Aadhaar-based fingerprint authentication is now fully functional. The rollout and migration of user agencies happened after several months of discussion and support by UIDAI.

UIDAI’s consistent engagement and intense efforts along with authentication user agencies (AUAs) were carried out to inform them (AUAs/ Sub AUAs) about various benefits of the new system brought by the authoritative body.

About AUAs

The Authentication User Agency (AUA) is an institution committed to providing Aadhaar-enabled services to 12-digit Aadhar ID card holders using a verification process facilitated by the authentication service agency. Sub-AUAs are those organizations that use Aadhaar authentication to enable their services through an existing requesting entity.



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