
Then He posted messages on Facebook

On May 25, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott told reporters the gunman shared his plans on Facebook about 30 minutes before the massacre started.

Abbott said the gunman wrote the following three messages and described them as posts:

“I’m going to shoot my grandmother.”

“I shot my grandmother.”

“I’m going to shoot an elementary school.”

Now He sent private messages, not Facebook posts

Shortly after Abbott’s comments, a spokesperson for Meta — the parent company of Facebook — said the messages were “private one-to-one text messages that were discovered after the terrible tragedy occurred,” and were not public Facebook posts.

On May 27, DPS Director McCraw told reporters he wanted to “correct something that was said early on in the investigation — that he (the gunman) posted on Facebook, publicly, that he was going to shoot his grandmother, and secondly after that that he had shot her, and the third that he was going to go shoot up a school. That did not happen.”

Hours later, Abbott said he was “livid” that he was given wrong information before speaking at the May 25 news conference.

“I wrote down hand notes in detail about what everybody in that room told me in sequential order about what happened. And when I came out here on this stage and told the public what happened, it was a recitation of what people in that room told me — whether it be law enforcement officials or non-law enforcement officials,” Abbott said.

“And as everybody has learned, the information that I was given turned out in part to be inaccurate. And I am absolutely livid about that.”


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