
NEW DELHI: With 2.4 crore enrolling for courses which yield credits and with over 26 lakh having earned them, the government-run Swayam Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) has outperformed any other eLearning platform by a big margin. Now the ministry of education has written to higher education institutions (HEIs) to popularise the platform in their respective states.
Total enrolment, including those in courses which don’t have examinations and credits, is 3.1 crore with a ratio of 40:60 between female and male candidates.
Having already conducted exams for over 26 lakh candidates since its launch in 2017 and 8.8 lakh active assignment submissions, the ministry said that the MOOC platform also offers credit transfer after an exam at a nominal fee and at present there are over 3,000 MOOC free courses from across streams.
According to MoE officials the popularity of Swayam is also due the increased participation of the universities offering their courses via MOOCs as well as accepting the credits earned through the Swayam exams. At present 288 universities have given formal acceptance of SWAYAM credits, which in January 2022 was 155.
In a letter to the HEIs, Vineet Joshi, additional secretary, department of higher education, MoE, stated that “Swayam MOOCs are developed by academicians from top ranked institutions and are offered free of cost to all learners. Today Swayam is a rich repository of more than 300 high quality MOOCs courses enrolling over 3 crore students.”
“If one were to compare the performance of Swayam on the contours against which eLearning platforms are evaluated, the performance of Swayam is far better. Various independent surveys and research highlight that the completion rate of eLearning is between 1% to 5%.”
Some of the most sought-after courses currently on Swayam platform are computing using python offered by IIT-Ropar with 46,081 students followed by ethical hacking by IIT-Kharagpur with 45,934 students, programming through C++ from IIT-Bombay with 45,629 students and programming in Java by IIT-Kharagpur with 45,445 students.
Urging the HEIs to utilise the courses, the ministry said that these courses are also eligible for credit transfer upon successful completion of the final proctored examination.
The letter also mentioned that apart from the popularity of the technical and professional courses, there has been a surge in enrolment for courses in education domain post-pandemic. “This also reflects the changing paradigm of the teaching learning process post Covid and the emphasis on ICT-led teaching learning in NEP,” said Joshi.
The letter also urged the universities to accept Swayam credits and provide formal acknowledgement to the University Grants Commission. The ministry informed the HEIs that apart from those informally accepting these credits, there are 288 universities which are formally accepting credits awarded via these MOOCs.


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