
Missing established itself as a spiritual sequel to Searching, with many connections proving the films exist in the same universe. Both movies were produced by Aneesh Chaganty and Sev Ohanian, who also wrote the script for Searching. The 2018 thriller follows David Kim (John Cho) on a mission to find his missing daughter, Margot Kim (Michelle La.) Missing, which premiered in early 2023, follows a similar plot, except the roles are switched. In the newer film, June Allen (Storm Reid) tries to solve her mother, Grace Allen’s (Nia Long) disappearance. The movies share many other similar elements as well.

Chaganty and Ohanian also wrote and produced the 2020 thriller film Run. The film tells a similar story to the real-life Gypsy Rose story, with a mother dealing with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. There are a few details that connect it to Searching, but it’s not as closely related as Missing. For starters, the film isn’t told through technology the way Searching and Missing are. Filmmakers had a lot of fun hiding Easter eggs in Missing to connect it to Searching, and here are ten that prove the Searching and Missing characters live in the same world.



10 David Kim From Searching Appears In The Fake Show Unfiction

John Cho on a FaceTime screen in Searching (2018)

Missing establishes itself as a Searching sequel from the get-go. Early in the film, June is watching an episode of a fake Netflix show called Unfiction. The episode she is watching is a reenactment of David and Margot’s story from Searching. June later sees her own situation turned into an episode of Unfiction, so the Easter egg also acts as foreshadowing.

9 Missing Continues Searching’s Alien Background Story

Missing Green angel vigilante

To catch the alien story in Searching, viewers must pay close attention as it plays out in Google searches and news headlines. However, those who did catch it in the first film have a treat in Missing as filmmakers continued the story. Searching told the story of a potential alien invasion, while Missing told the story of a superhero named Green Angel saving citizens from the aliens. The story has no role in the film’s plot but is fun for extra observant fans.

8 The Same Dialogue Line Appears In Searching & Missing

Run Missing Searching

Filmmakers went as far as connecting the movies with the same line of dialogue. For example, in Searching, David discovers a text message Margot sent to his brother Peter that says, “Last night was fun.” The text plays a crucial role in the film because David uses it as evidence his brother may be involved in her disappearance. The same line appears in Missing when Grace says it to her boyfriend, Kevin. While June doesn’t use it to make any hypothesis, it could suggest Kevin is suspicious like Peter was.

7 Missing & Searching Begin With A Character Losing A Parent

Missing family photo

One big connection is that Searching and Missing both start with a backstory on the characters losing a parent. In Searching, David loses his wife, and Margot loses her mother from cancer. Missing begins with June losing her father, which Grace tells everyone is because he died of cancer. However, it’s later revealed he was actually abusive, so Grace has to escape with June by changing her name and pretending he died.

6 Missing & Searching Feature Important Text Conversations

John Cho as David Kim on a screen in Searching

Another connection between the two is a special text conversation. The dynamic between David and Margot is similar to Grace and June, as there seems to be a strain between the parent and child. In both films, Margot and June haven’t healed from their parent’s absence. Margot has difficulty talking about her mother, so David doesn’t bring it up even though he wants to.

In Missing, June only responds to her mother’s “I love you” messages with a thumbs-up reaction. By the end of the film, the characters grow closer. In Searching, David can finally send the message about Margot’s mother to her, and in Missing, June finally tells her mother she loves her via text.

5 Missing & Searching Have The Same News Ticker

Missing storm reid

Filmmakers also used news headlines to suggest Searching and Missing are from the same universe. One way they did this was through a news ticker reporting a false story about a Hollywood producer who killed his editor. The tick in Searching read, “Hollywood producer charged with…” and the story was finished in Missing with the headline, “Hollywood producer charged with the murder of film editor.” The story doesn’t have anything to do with either film’s plot but further connects them.

4 Roy Abramsohn Appears As A News Anchor In Searching & Missing

Roy Abramsohn in Searching

Another way the films connect themselves via the news is by using the same news anchor. For Margot’s disappearance story in Searching, actor Roy Abramsohn portrays a news reporter discussing the story. He returns in Missing as the same news reporter, reporting on Grace’s disappearance.

3 Peter Kim From Searching Makes A Small Cameo In Missing

Peter and David Kim in Searching

Peter had a large role in Searching as he smoked weed with Margot before her disappearance, and David was convinced he was responsible for what happened to his daughter. He doesn’t physically appear in Missing, but the film offers an update on the character. When June is investigating Kevin, hoping to find information on her mother’s disappearance, she finds an email he received from a weed delivery service called Sunny Daze. Under the company name, Peter is listed as the founder and CEO.

2 Searching’s Stock Model Reappears In Missing

Hannah in Searching

This clue is extra exciting because it appeared in all three films meaning Missing also occurs in the Run universe. In Searching, Margot’s killer spoke to her on a live chat using someone else’s photo to disguise his identity. He chose a stock model named Hannah. The model briefly appeared onscreen in Run, and in Missing, she appears on a poster in the background of a Columbian hardware store. Like many of the Easter eggs, Hannah isn’t a crucial character but is used to connect Chaganty and Ohanian’s films.

1 Missing & Searching End With Unexpected Twists

Missing ending sequence

One of the biggest connections between the films is their twist endings, which both end up in the plot of Unfiction episodes. It turns out the person who abducted Margot was the son of the detective who was helping David find Margot. She was actually throwing him off to protect her son, but he didn’t figure this out until the end.

Related: Missing Ending Explained: Unraveling Kevin’s Plan & Those Grace Twists

In Missing, June finds out her father has been alive the whole time, and he was the one to abduct her mother out of anger because she left him and took June with her all those years ago. The filmmakers did a great job proving how closely related Searching and Missing are.


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