
While exploring the Airborne Archipelago islands in TemTem, Tamers might encounter the adorable triceratops-like Wiplump, a Water- and Wind-type TemTem that serves as the evolved form of Fomu. This creature is distinguishable by its dinosaur-shaped body, fluffy wings, and single unicorn horn protruding from its head. Wiplump’s standard skin color is a bright turquoise blue, but its rare Luma monster form in TemTem features a rich shade of pink like that of a strawberry milkshake.


In terms of stats, Wiplump lacks decent ATK and DEF, making it somewhat weak when using normal attacks in combat. On the other hand, this TemTem possesses exceptionally high SPATK and SPDEF, making it a choice combatant for utilizing its Special Techniques. Furthermore, its third-highest stat is its Stamina, supplying it with more energy to perform its unique moves in battle. Therefore, it would be optimal to use Wiplump against an opponent with low SPDEF in TemTem.

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However, before considering an opponent TemTem’s stats, Tamers must have a good understanding of Wiplump’s elemental strengths and weaknesses. This triceratops-style monster is an excellent matchup against Earth-type TemTem, as it can both deal more damage to this type and resist attacks. Wiplump is also a decent counter against Wind-, Water-, and Fire-type hostile enemies in TemTem. However, Tamers must be very cautious not to pit this Wiplump against Nature-, Electric-, or Toxic-type TemTem. Electric, in particular, is capable of dealing ×4 the damage to Wiplump in combat.

Catching Wiplump In TemTem

Thanks to information provided by SegmentNext and TemTem Wiki, Tamers can know where to find Wiplump in TemTem, including the chances of the Tem encounter:

Island Zone Rarity
Deniz Sillaro River 5% – 85%
Thalassian Cliffs 5% – 85%
Aguamarina Caves 5% – 85%
Tucma Kakama Cenote 40%
Cipanku Rice Fields 35%
The Highbelow? 20%

As Tamers can see from the table above, the best place to search for Wiplump would be the Thalassian Cliffs, Sillaro River, or Aguamarina Caves on the island of Deniz. It also spawns in this area starting at Level 14, making it quite an accessible TemTem to capture for lower-level Tamers. Suppose players are still unable to encounter Wiplump during their travels through the compelling world of TemTem. In that case, they can instead opt for finding the Tem’s unevolved form, Fomu. According to SegmentNext, Fomu is a common spawn in Sillaro River, The Gifted Bridges, Windward Fort, and Aguamarina Caves. After catching Fomu, Tamers can evolve it into Wiplump by increasing its levels by 20 in TemTem.

Source: SegmentNext | TemTem Wiki

  • Temtem Game Poster


    Temtem is a Pokemon-style creature collecting MMORPG developed by Crema and published by Humble Bundle. Players embark on a journey and collect creatures called Temtem, training them and engaging in two-on-two battles against other players or NPCs found in the world. Temtem also features a full story mode outside the MMORPG where players take on the role of a “Temtem Tamer” as they journey around the world collecting Temtem as they face off with an infamous group called Clan Belosto, inadvertently becoming heroes in the process. Temtem shares several elements in common with Pokemon regarding battling and collecting, but additional features that help it stand out include the ability to decorate homes, go on unique sidequests, and more in-depth character customization. The game initially started as a Kickstarter project that helped it reach early access in 2020, but Temtem finally saw a worldwide release on September 6 2022.

    Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S

    Original Release Date:


    Humble Bundle

    RPG, MMORPG, Adventure

    Online Co-Op, Online Multiplayer



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