Clerics are one of the core classes in Dungeons & Dragons, and it is unusual to see an adventuring party without one, meaning players should be on the lookout for worthwhile gear to equip them with. They provide the healing and buffs that keep the rest of the group on their feet so the team can continue to fight their enemies and save the world. These key party members need great armor to keep them standing and doing what they do best.
When players first create a cleric, their character will be able to wear both light and medium armor. There are several cleric domains to choose from in Dungeons & Dragons, some of which allow the cleric to wear heavy armor provided they have the required Strength score. Each armor class provides its own sets of pros and cons, with heavier armor giving higher AC at a cost of Stealth. With that in mind, here are some of the best armor for clerics.
#5: The Hunter’s Coat Is Rare Armor For D&D Clerics
Found in Explorer’s Guide To Wildemount, the Hunter’s Coat is a very rare leather armor for Dungeons & Dragons. While it can be tempting to put full heavy armor on a cleric when their chosen domain allows it, using medium armor for more Dexerity-based clerics can be beneficial. This allows the cleric to focus more on spellcasting rather than spend the entire DnD session in melee combat and helps avoid that pesky disadvantage on Stealth checks.
The Hunter’s Coat gives a +1 bonus to AC but also has an interesting magical effect. The coat allows the cleric to deal 1d10 necrotic damage to a target when they hit the player with an attack, provided that the enemy doesn’t have all its hit points. The Hunter’s coat has three charges of this ability and can regain 1d3 of those expended charges daily at dawn.
#4: The Armor of Invulnerability
The Armor of Invulnerability is a legendary plate armor that is fantastic for clerics. Although the armor still has the disadvantage to Stealth checks that go along with being a full plate set, it has some great perks. As well as providing the usual AC of 18, the Armor of Invulnerability has some more nice boosts to help the best Dungeons & Dragons healers stay on their feet.
While wearing this armor, clerics will have resistance to all nonmagical damage. On top of that, Dungeons & Dragons players can use an action to make themselves completely immune to nonmagical damage for 10 minutes or until they are no longer wearing the armor. This special feature can be used once per day and recharges at the next dawn.
#3: The Scorpion Armor
The Scorpion Armor from Tomb of Annihilation is a rare plate armor that is a full suit made from giant scorpion chitin. It does require 15 Strength or more to wear it but provides the cleric with an impressive AC of 18. However, one of the great things about the Scorpion Armor is it doesn’t impose a disadvantage on Stealth checks which regular heavily armored characters in Dungeons & Dragons would face.
The Scorpion Armor grants a +5 boost to initiative rolls so long as the player isn’t incapacitated. The armor also removes the disadvantage on Constitution saving throws against extreme heat usually found with heavy armor. The only tiny downside to using the Scorpion Armor is that it is cursed. Whenever the cleric takes it off or puts it back on, they must make a DC 15 Constitution save. The Scorpion Armor deals 10d10 + 45 poison damage on a fail and half as much on a success, and only a wish spell can remove the curse.
#2: Adamantine & Mizzium Armor
As the cleric is likely the party’s healer during the Dungeons & Dragons campaign, it’s a good idea to stop monsters from wrecking the whole DnD party. Adamantine Armor is great for that as it is an uncommon, versatile armor that can be either medium or heavy, but not hide. This means that clerics whose domains don’t grant the ability to wear heavy armor can still use it.
While nearly all the versions of Adamantine Armor still come with a disadvantage to Stealth checks, there are two that don’t. The Chain Shirt and Breastplate, both medium armor, impose no disadvantage, and with 13 + Dexterity and 14 + Dexterity, they aren’t half bad. However, Adamantine Armors’ greatest strength is that it cancels critical hits on the wearer, reducing those natural 20s to regular damage.
Found in Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica, Mizzium is very similar to Adamantine; however, rather than being uncommon, it is a rare magical Dungeons & Dragons item. Just like the Adamantine, Mizzium is a really versatile armor that can either be medium or heavy, but again, not hide. All but two Mizzium Armors impose a disadvantage on stealth checks, and in terms of AC, Mizzium Armor and Adamantine provide the same increases.
Mizzium Armor also makes critical hits against the wearer into regular hits. However, Mizzium provides an extra little boost that Adamantine doesn’t. Clerics wearing Mizzium Armor who are required by a magical effect to make either a Strength or Constitution save will take no damage on a success rather than half.
#1: Dragon Scale Mail Is The Best Armor For Clerics In D&D
Dragon Scale Mail is a very rare medium armor made from the scales of a dragon providing some protection from damage associated with dragons. Clerics wearing this armor will get a +1 boost to AC along with advantage on saving throws against dragon breath weapons which work similarly to a Dragonborn’s powerful innate skill in Dungeons & Dragons. The Dragon Scale Mail also grants an advantage to saving throws against the dragon ability Frightful Presence, which is great for the party healer to have.
There are several versions of the Dragon Scale Mail available, each associated with the color of the dragon whose scales make up the armor. The color of the scales will determine the type of resistance the armor grants. For example, blue dragon scales will give resistance to lightning damage, green dragon scales will give resistance to poison, and white dragon scales will give resistance to cold damage.
In addition to the AC boost, the advantage to saving throws, and resistance to damage types, the Dragon Scale Mail also has a final trick up its sleeve. Once per day, the cleric can magically discern the direction and distance to the closest dragon that matches the armor’s scales within 30 miles – very useful to have if playing in a dragon-heavy Dungeons & Dragons campaign.
Source: Nerd Immersion/YouTube
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