
It has sadly been confirmed that the Titanic submarine that had been missing since Sunday imploded deep underwater, killing all five of the men onboard instantly. Now, disturbing details have emerged about this devastating implosion.

Titanic Submarine Implodes

Daily Mail reported that the 21 foot submarine known as The Titan lost contact with its mother ship while making the 12,500 foot descent to the ocean floor, where the Titanic has rested since it sank back in 1912. After an exhaustive four-day search, pieces of debris from the wreckage were finally found on Thursday by a remote-operated rescue submarine, leading investigators to conclude that it had imploded.

It is believed that the implosion was caused by a hull breach, which would have killed everyone onboard immediately. The water pressure at that depth is roughly 400 atmospheres, which is about 400 times that of what most people are accustomed. Dr. Nicolai Roterman, a deep-sea ecologist at the University of Portsmouth, explained that it’s the pressure that would have killed the submarine’s occupants instantly.

“If there was any kind of hull breach, the occupants would succumb to the ocean in a near instant, given the more than 5,500 pounds per square inch pressure exerted by the ocean at the depth of 3,800m (12,467ft),” he said.

Senior research scientist Steve Somlyody made similar comments, saying that the implosion was so fast that the passengers “wouldn’t even know it happened.”

“The pressure down there at 4,000 meters is pretty high. About 5,800 PSI at Titanic depth,” he said. “If they had any kind of leak, it would lead to an implosion and it would happen in an instant, very immediately.”

California oceanographer Greg Stone agreed, saying, “‘If there was a pressure failure, it’s going to be very fast and it’s just going to be over in a second.”

Related: Here’s Everything You Need To Know About The Missing Titanic Submarine

Bodies Likely Won’t Be Recovered

Rear Admiral John Mauger told reporters on Thursday that he is “not sure” if the bodies of the passengers will ever be recovered.

“This is an incredibly unforgiving environment down there on the sea floor and the debris is consistent with a catastrophic implosion of the vessel,” he said, according to Yahoo News. “And so we’ll continue to work and continue to search the area down there, but I don’t have an answer for prospects at this time.”

Lawrence Brennan, a professor at Fordham University’s School of Law, said that any recovery effort of the bodies would require equipment “that are not available presently.” Even if they had this equipment, however, he warned that it’s unlikely that they would be able to find any of the human remains.

“Equipment used for deepwater oil drilling could work, but that equipment likely isn’t anywhere near the search site,” he continued.

Related: VIDEO: CEO Of Missing Titanic Submarine Didn’t Want To Hire ’50-Year-Old White Guys’

Occupants Of Submarine Identified

CBS reported that the five occupants of the submarine were the billionaire British businessman Hamish Harding; billionaire Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19 year-old son Suleman; French explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet; and Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate, the company that operates the vessel. Seats on the submarine cost a whopping $250,000 per person.

“We’ve had people who have mortgaged their home to come and do the trip. And we have people who don’t think twice about a trip of this cost,” Rush said last year.

This is obviously an extremely tragic situation for everyone involved. Please join us in saying a prayer for the loved ones of the submarine passengers during this difficult time.

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