
In dark blue all the European nations that have approved their PNACC – Graphic taken from the site Climate Adapt (European Commission – European Environment Agency)

What does the Pnacc

The approximately 400 pages of the Plan describe “a common base of data, information and analysis methodologies”As Spano explains.

In particular, the Pnacc identifies four objectives: contain the vulnerability of natural systems, social and economic impacts of climate change; increase their ability to adapt; improve the exploitation of any opportunities; favor the coordination of actions at the various levels of governance.

Specifically, as the CMCC advisor explains, the PNACC identifies 6 climate macro-regions in Italy and creates two different climate projections (the intermediate scenario and the more extreme one) based on the estimates of the fifth IPCC report. The plan also goes into detail, up to an analysis of the province by province and of the risks for the 18 sectors already identified by the SNAC. “In the Plan it is proposed also an system for monitoring effective actions on a local scale and the establishment of a control room for monitoring the Plan same, in order to guarantee a control at central level that guarantees the standardization of information, the homogeneity of the approaches and the support to the territories for the implementation of adaptation actions”Says Spano.

Because it got stuck

But then why a tool that in these five years, just to give a few examples, could be useful to prepare more effectively to face the Vaia storm (Trentino, 2018), the floods in Liguria (2019) or in Piedmont and Sardinia (2020) or even those of last September between Marche and Umbria? There usual, damned, bureaucracy.

In short, although the detailed process was longer and more complex, the State-Regions Conference decided in 2018 to submit the Pancc to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (Vas). From there we arrived at the opinion of the Vas subcommittee on the technical commission for the verification of the environmental impact – Via e Vas of May 2021. What did it decide? “To suggest a series of in-depth analyzes and additions to which the PNACC is currently subjected in order to be approved”, Explains Spano again. And to think that the PNACC had foreseen actions with the aim of improving very useful parameters to increase the resilience of the territories: “The knowledge of geological criticalities And hydraulic of the territory and the risks associated with them, improve the models for the simulation and forecasting of impacts on different time horizonsimprove the territory monitoring for the production of updated databases, improve the emergency management by administrations at all levels and increasing the participation of the populationimprove the management and maintenance of the territoryimprove the knowledge of the state of the buildings and infrastructures to increase its resilience“. In short, many important actions to better manage the impact of the extreme weather events that have hit Italy in the last five years as well. Nobody doubts the usefulness of the technical checks but if just to give a few examples Spain adopted its national plan for adaptation to climate change in 2020 and France in 2017, having reached almost 2023 and having lost a luster is really a shame.

Because we need the PNACC soon

He explains this because Cmcc himself in the 2020 report Risk analysis – Climate change in Italy: the probability of the risk from extreme weather events is increased in Italy by 9% in the last twenty years. Today around the 90% of Italian municipalities are at risk for landslides and floods, and over seven million Italians live or work in areas considered “highly dangerous“. Unfortunately, as often happens, the South is worse off than the North.



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