Nepolian Hill wrote Outwitting the devil in 1938. This book was considered very controversial by his friends and family. In this book the author digs deep into the human obstacles that prevents us from reaching our personal goals: they are fear, procrastination, anger, and jealousy, he call these “the tools of devil”. He gives 7 principles to overcome these. In this article you will get hill napoleon outwitting the devil filetype:pdf for free, you read the book online or download, listen or read its summery.
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Lessons from Qutwitting the devil book
The first lesson is that you either operate from faith or fear throughout your entire life.
One of the primary tools in the devil’s belt was fear, which Hill already knew going into his fictitious interview with evil incarnate. He was paralyzed for nearly a year after receiving a death threat. Finally one night, he was able to find what Carnegie had told him about years earlier:
Hill’s other self told him to stop giving in to fear and doubt and complete his philosophy of achievement. The only way to properly operate in life is to listen to our other self. We don’t give in to what Steven Pressfield calls the Resistance.
At every turn of our lives, the devil attempts to undermine this ‘other self,’ dividing mankind into drifters and non-drifters.
2: The devil wants us to drift through life, never getting around to what we’re meant to do.
The devil claims that he first invades our minds with “the principle of habit” in order to then establish “the habit of drifting.” Once Hill starts drilling the devil on the most common fears, he quickly discovers that he has even cleverer ways of ruining us.
Straight from the horse’s mouth, here’s what drifting is:
Drifters are the opposite of Stoics. They allow externals to dominate their minds, and because they don’t use their brains to think, they don’t go anywhere.
A bit later in the book, Hill explains how drifting eventually turns into a “hypnotic rhythm,” which keeps people busy with trivial things, and eventually, drifting becomes permanent.
Getting mental, spiritual, and physical freedom is based on seven principles.
Having forced the devil to reveal every dirty trick in his book, Hill finally asks the master of evil for ways to combat his forces. He presents seven principles humans should follow for freedom in all walks of life:
Defining a purpose, a grand aspiration, a big goal, and working relentlessly towards it.
Having mastery over one’s own mind is the key to freedom. If you follow your impulses all your life, you will drift aimlessly.
Failure is just a failure. Whether we learn from it or let it stop us is up to us.
It matters who you hang out with. It matters what your room looks like.
5.Time. Time can make drifting and negativity permanent, but it can also make wisdom and positivity permanent.
You must be the main actor in your life in order to balance mental, spiritual, and physical aspects.
Always act, but always think before you act.
There are always going to be setbacks, but those setbacks can quickly turn into lasting indecisiveness. Don’t let them happen. Don’t let the devil win. Life is too important to lose.
To whom would I recommend Outwitting The Devil?
Every 27-year-old office worker who is already bored with life at the start of her career, every 43-year-old writer who struggles with procrastination, and anyone who feels like a spectator in their own life