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Sims 4 now allows the creation of newborn babies via gene splicing science. Instead of waiting for days or weeks of natural pregnancy, science babies arrive in just a few hours. This frees up the parent Sim(s) to get back to their daily routine.

While science babies are a live-mode feature, there are also alternate ways of spawning new babies if not directly trying to make a compelling story. A solely customized infant can always be added via Create a Sim (CAS). Additionally, many Sims 4 cheat codes either allow quick pregnancy or supply the Simoleons with free science babies.


Single Parent Science Babies

Sims 4: How to Make a Science Baby

Any Sim aged young adult, adult, or elder can opt for a science baby using just their own gene pool. This is accomplished by opening up their Sims 4 in-game mobile phone menu on the bottom left, going into the “Home” sub-menu, and selecting “Have a Science Baby as a Single Parent”.

Single-parent-made science babies are not just direct clones. They can be of any gender and may have physical features of their grandparents or further genetic mutations giving them new skin tone, eye color, or hairstyles. Players still name the newborn Sim, and later will be able to give them a treat when they advance to the infant life state.

Friendship Babies

Sims 4: How to Make a Science Baby

A Sim who has achieved the platonic relationship level of Friend or higher with another Sim can ask them to donate DNA for a science baby. This can be accomplished by clicking on the target Sim and selecting “Friendly”, then “Deep Thoughts”, and finally “Ask to Have Science Baby”. There is no gender, sexual orientation preference, or ability to give birth restrictions for said candidates. However, the two Sims cannot be closely related on the family tree; the game does not track very distant relatives like fourth cousins or great-great-great grandparents.

Related: Sims 4: How To Play As Infants (March Update)

Keep in mind that science babies require a platonic friendship and not actually romance. Spouses, fiancees, and dates will refuse to make a science baby if the two Sims are currently fighting. Quarreling lovers may be listed in the Sims 4 with titles like “Hot and Cold” or “Enemies with Benefits”.

Players will need to mend the platonic level by having the Sims engage in friendly talks, joke around, or cause mischief; flirting or other romantic actions will not help.

Sims 4: How to Make a Science Baby

Due to Sims 4 frequency to “cull” Sims – permanently delete them – it is best to only choose science baby partners saved as “My Households” on the Sims 4 Manage Households screen. A family can be switched between My Households and Other Households by clicking the heart icon to the right of their name. Even unplayed NPCs like firefighters, waiters, and maids can be moved in this way. Otherwise, there is a major risk of the game randomly deleting biological parents with no means of recovering them; often requiring reloading an older save to mend the mistake.

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