
There fertility it is a complex puzzle .. There are in fact a very large number of factors that influence the fertility (and consequently infertility) and one of the joints most important of the whole process is represented by the meeting between the egg cellthe female gamete, and lo sperm, the male gamete. And today, thanks to discovery which comes from a team of international researchers, we know a little more about the way it happens. In fact, one has just been identified protein which helps the two gametes to merge.

The “divine” name

There protein in question is called Maia (like the ancient goddess of fertility) and was found through a curious experiment, in which the spermatozoa were placed in contact with fake oocytes. These fake oocytes were nothing more than mini spheres, comparable in size to their natural counterparts (i.e. around 100 micrometers in diameter), each covered with many and different peptides, pieces of proteins, coming from a peptide library. The purpose of the experiment was to bring the spheres into contact with the spermatozoa and to observe which spheres bind and why, or what kind of peptide they had on their surface to bind the spermatozoa.

Finding the bound spheres was simple enough – they were the ones that moved, so to speak, thanks to the motility conferred by the spermatozoa the authors write on Science Advances – and after having identified them, the associated peptides were sequenced. It was in this way that the researchers discovered Maia, a protein that forms a stable complex with IZUMO1 / JUNO (respectively sperm and oocyte proteins), effectively contributing to the fusion of gametes, the researchers explain. This is also confirmed by experiments in which researchers have transferred the Maia gene into some human cells, observing the ability to bind spermatozoa.

The implications of the discovery

Without the fusion and therefore the fertilization – which leads to the formation of the zygote and embryo then – reproduction cannot be initiated (although, perhaps needless to say, many other things must work until birth). The discovery of this protein therefore adds an important piece to the puzzle of fertilitywhich could help you understand some reasons for infertility as well, such as has explained Harry Moore of the University of Sheffield, head of the study. Especially in light of the difficulties of research in the field: “Infertility is unexplained in over half of those who have difficulty conceiving naturally. What we know about human fertility has been somewhat limited by ethical issues and the lack of eggs for research. The ingenious artificial fertilization technique that enabled us to identify the Maya protein will not only allow scientists to better understand the mechanisms of human fertility, but will also pave the way for new ways of treating infertility and revolutionize the development of new contraceptives. in the future”.

What is fertility affected by?

The next lines of research to be followed will aim to understand if different types of semen they bind the protein differently, confirming or not the theory of incompatibility between gametes, explains one Note of Sheffield University. Just a couple of years ago, in fact, one study invited to consider that actually ova and spermatozoa could be otherwise compatible, or rather, more or less attracted to each other. The meeting between the gametes however, it is only one of the aspects that regulate the fertility, as important as it is. In fact, we know that fertility – dangerously steep in recent years according to some – is influenced by a large number of factors. L’age for example it undermines the quality and quantity of oocytes, as well as that of spermatozoa, but also smoking, obesity, alcohol, diseases such as endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, varicocele, stress and thyroid dysfunction, exposure to pesticides can contribute to infertility.


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In Italy it is estimated that theinfertility – absence of conception after 12 months or more of unprotected intercourse – affects about 15% of couples, a value on line with the global one.



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