
Based on a true story, Flamin’ Hot follows Richard Montañez, a janitor at Frito Lay. Montañez, looking for opportunities to move up in the company, is an inquisitive and motivated employee. He eventually takes the initiative and channels the taste of his Mexican heritage to create one of the most popular chips in the world, Flamin Hot Cheetos. Montañez forever changed the snack industry and started a pop culture phenomenon that catapulted him from janitor to executive at Frito Lay.


Flamin’ Hot stars Jesse Garcia, Annie Gonzalez, Dennis Haysbert, Tony Shalhoub, Emilio Rivera, and Matt Walsh. Flamin’ Hot is directed by Eva Longoria from a screenplay by Lewis Colick and Linda Yvette Chávez. Flamin’ Hot is based on Montañez’s real life and his book A Boy, a Burrito and a Cookie: From Janitor to Executive.

Related: Flamin’ Hot’s Strange Streaming Release Plan Is A Sign Of The Future

Screen Rant spoke with Flamin’ Hot stars Jesse Garcia and Annie Gonzalez about their new movie. Garcia discussed collaborating with the real Richard Montañez, the importance of asking questions, and the joy of working with Longoria. Gonzalez broke down what drew her to Flamin’ Hot, the love story at the heart of the movie, and her chemistry with Garcia.

Jesse Garcia & Annie Gonzalez on Flamin’ Hot

flamin hot still
Brice Gonzalez, Annie Gonzalez, Jesse Garcia and Hunter Jones in Flamin’ Hot

Screen Rant: Amazing job on this film, guys. Jesse, you’re phenomenal as Richard, and you do such a great job of making Richard feel like he’s my best friend that’s just telling me a story. Can you talk to me a little bit about the character?

Jesse Garcia: Richard feels like he is in real life your best friend. He does give you attention. If you’re having a conversation with him, you’re the only one that matters. So it was important for me to be able to tell his story honestly in my own way.

Annie, Richard says in the film, “Everybody needs a Judy,” and that couldn’t be more true. I feel like there is no Flamin’ Hot Cheetos without Judy. Can you talk to me about Judy a little bit?

Annie Gonzalez: Oh, my gosh, Judy is the heartbeat. Judy is the still waters, while Richard is rapid fire. They have such a beautiful partnership.

Absolutely. What drew you guys to this project?

Jesse Garcia: The opportunity. We had to audition for this. We had to really put in our work to get this job. The story was great, but at some points in your career that you don’t just get offered stuff. You have to put in work, and this is one of those. Who knows what happens after this, but this is just the beginning.

Annie Gonzalez: Definitely did the grueling audition process and rightfully so. I completely understand why. Once I read the script, I was like, “Ah, there’s no one else that could play this role.” I needed to. I know it was in my soul and my heart, and I’m so grateful that I got the opportunity to do it alongside Eva, DeVon, and my main man here, Jesse Garcia.

Jesse, Eva did such a phenomenal job directing this film. Can you talk to me about her directing style and how her experience as an actor helped influence how she directs actors?

Jesse Garcia: I think because she’s been an actor for a long time, she knew how to talk to us. She was so hyper-prepared that all we had to really do was show up, but at the same time she gave us a lot of freedom. She asked us our opinions, we had input, we were able to improvise, and we were able to throw in jokes or throw in some little sprinkle things to elevate the scenes.

Annie, can you talk to me about creating the chemistry between you and Jesse? Because the marriage and love feel so genuine and lived in.

Annie Gonzalez: I genuinely think that’s just a testament to our relationship. I genuinely love this guy, and I know he loves me back. It was seamless to go up on that screen and play it.

Jesse, can you talk about working with the real Richard and if he provided any insight that helped you bring anything to the character?

Jesse Garcia: I got to meet him right before we started shooting. I think the things that I got from him were what his relationship with Judy was like, because that’s what this movie is. It’s a love story. The Flamin’ Hot Cheetos is a byproduct of their love, how they were able to overcome adversity, trials, tribulations, and challenges. Despite where they came from; despite their education.

flamin hot products

I was here for the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos story, but I was staying for the love story. I thought that was brilliant. What did you find the most surprising about Richard’s journey?

Annie Gonzalez: I didn’t know that he was a farmworker, and also the fact that he never finished high school and still achieved all of this success. There was a lot of the story that I didn’t know about him. It even talks about it a lot, like what a shame, but also how exciting that we get to be a part of telling that story.

Jesse Garcia: I’m not surprised. He’s a super, super smart guy, funny, witty, charming, charismatic. So really, all I had to do was show up to work make some interesting choices and try to make Richard laugh or make Richard cry. We made Richard cry a bunch, Richard and Judy. So once we made them cry, they were on board.

Annie, did you get a chance to talk to the real Judy to help inform your character?

Jesse Garcia: Yes, I did. You cannot find diddly-squat about that gorgeous woman online. She’s so private, and I understand now it’s for a specific reason. So it was imperative that I got to speak with her and understand a little bit more of her background.

I love that. I’ve seen this movie twice now, once for this junket, and the second time because after Richard says that, “Everybody needs a Judy,” I was like, “I have my Judy.” She’s an Ecuadorian firecracker and loved this film just as much. Why do you think right now is the perfect time to tell this story about the American dream and Mexican ingenuity?

Jesse Garcia: It’s an important story for people to know because not a lot of people know a lot about Richard’s journey. Everyone knows the snack. It’s one of the highest-selling snacks in the world and super popular, but no one really knows where it comes from. Because of that, we get to see the love story between Richard and Judy. So it’s a feel good movie. You get to have all the feelings and everyone relates to it. Like I’ve been saying, this transcends cultural lines.

I couldn’t agree with you more. A big part of Richard’s journey to success was asking questions to better understand people and things that he wanted. What time in your career was asking questions a benefit to you to enhance what you were doing?

Jesse Garcia: The beginning. For me, it took a little bit of time to build up confidence to ask questions, or question the motives of a scene, or if I should be doing a part, passing on things, or any multitude of things. But I think having the confidence of having a conversation with the director or with other actors who maybe are well-known, or you respect. Everyone’s in the room that wants just to do a great job too. So it’s important to ask questions. It’s important to learn, keep learning.

I love Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, but I would say my favorite is salt and vinegar. What is your favorite flavor of Frito-Lay’s chips?

Annie Gonzalez: Ooh, a Frito chip. Okay. You know what? I like the Chili Fritos.

Jesse Garcia: I like those too.

Annie: Right?

Jesse Garcia: Chili and lime [for me].

About Flamin’ Hot

Jessie Garcia holding a cheeto and smiling in Flamin Hot

Based on the true story of Richard Montañez the inventor of Flamin Hot Cheetos. Montañez started as a janitor at Frito Lay but rose to executive after tapping into his Mexican heritage to create Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, which forever changed the snack industry and started a pop culture phenomenon.

Check out our other Flamin’ Hot interviews here:

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