This is the evergreen question. To answer all these questions, we have prepared a comprehensive laptop buying guide on amazon. It will thoroughly answer the question “how to buy a laptop in 2022”, “which laptop is good for students”, which laptop is good for gamming”.
And based on this guide we have made a laptop finder tool for you or we call it ” What laptop should i buy quiz”. You just need to answer few question and this laptop finder tool will give you a suggestive list of laptops on Amazon.
Step by step guide on how to buy a laptop in 2023.
(1)Purpose of buying a laptop:
Generally, there are 5 purposes for which people buy laptops,
A)Work purpose
B)Study/entertainment/light gaming
C)Hardcore gaming
D)Graphic designer/YouTuber/video editor
E)IT professional/programmers.
(2)Choose the Graphic processors:
graphic processors(GPUs) are often ignored by people when buying a laptop while these as important as the CPUs. Here are some suggestions while choosing graphic processor for a laptop.
If you are in category
A)Work purpose
B)Study/entertainment/light gaming
Then you can go for integrated graphics processors, (off course you can also choose dedicated graphics but those will not be necessary for these two categories and they will unnecessarily increase the cost.
Following are some integrated GPUs for work, study, and other personal use.
Intel GPUs : IRIS XE, 15-10, 700 or G7
Ryzen GPUs: Vega 6,7 or 8
For categories,
C)Hardcore gaming
D)Graphic designer/YouTuber/video editor
E)IT professional/programmers.
Only dedicated GPUs are recommended, which are Nvidia, GTX, 1050, 3080it, 1050it, 1650 or 1650it
(3) Choose the CPU :
Following CPUs are recommended for Work purpose, Study, entertainment or light gaming.
Intel : 13th, 10th generation
Ryzen(AMD) 3000(above 3000 are also good but they will unnecessarily increase the cost)
Processors for specialized tasks like hardcore gaming, graphic designing, video editing or programming,
Intel : 15th generation, 17th generation. Or above
Ryzen : 4000, 5000 or above
(4)Choose the RAM:
For work, study, watching movies or light gaming 4GB or 8GB RAM are enough. However for dedicated tasks like graphic design, video editing, programming, expert gaming 16GB is recommended(if budget doesn’t allow then you can go for 8GB as well).

(5)Choose storage.
If speed is not a concern you and you want cheaper storage then you can go for hybrid disk drive(HDD).
And if you want more speedy performance then Solid Disk Drive(SDD) is the best choice however SDD is relatively more expensive than HDD.
(6)Decide which brand suits you.
If your work involve rough handling and you need a solid body that can handle rough and tough environment then following brands would work for you.
Dell, Lenovo or Asus.
However, if you can handle your laptop delicately then you can go for HP or Acer (of course cost will be lower than Dell, Lenovo and ASUS).
Some Brands are specialized in some tasks for example, Dell laptops are more suitable for work and study purposes while Asus laptops are generally preferred for gamming purposes.
(7)Next step is to choose the operating system.
There are three known operating systems
Chromebook, and
Windows is dominating the market for last 2 decades hence it is most trusted and has application in almost all areas be it work, study, gaming or programming.
However other two have limitations. For example Chromebook is not meant for gamming, programming or any specialized purpose rather it is suited for light works like study, movie watching, online streaming etc. In simple Chromebook is like using an android phone on a bigger screen. Chromebook always come in touch screen feature.
Mac is good in almost all aspects however it works its own environment, it supports only those softwires which are specifically developed for mac unlike windows that supports almost all kind of softwires.
Now remaining features like screen size, resolution are subjective, they depend on your personal preference and budget because they don’t affect the performance of the laptop.
Hope this guide will help you while your laptop or PC.
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