Read $100m offers alex hormozi pdf free here



     >>>$100m offers alex hormozi pdf free download<<<

Summery of $100m offers

  • The book is about creating Grand Slam Offers, which are high-ticket products or services that sell themselves. Hormozi teaches readers how to differentiate and optimize their offer until it’s irresistible.
  • The book is divided into three parts:
    • Part 1: The Psychology of Pricing
      • This part of the book discusses the psychology of pricing and how to use it to your advantage. Hormozi teaches readers how to set prices that are high enough to generate profits, but not so high that they turn away customers.
    • Part 2: The Anatomy of a Grand Slam Offer
      • This part of the book discusses the five key elements of a Grand Slam Offer:
        • Incomparable: Your offer must be one-of-a-kind.
        • High-value: Your offer must provide a lot of value to the customer.
        • Problem-solving: Your offer must solve a real problem for the customer.
        • Stacked: Your offer must be stacked with bonuses and other benefits.
        • Limited: Your offer must be limited in time or quantity.
    • Part 3: Case Studies
      • This part of the book provides case studies of successful Grand Slam Offers. Hormozi shows readers how these offers were created and how they were able to generate millions of dollars in revenue.

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