
Huobi sues… Huobi? 3AC rises from ashes, Korea crypto contagion: Asia Express

According to local news reports on June 21, Leon Lin Li, former co-founder of cryptocurrency exchange Huobi Global, has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against the company in Hong Kong. Li claims that despite selling his majority stake to an entity controlled by Chinese blockchain personality Justin Sun last November, his company, X-Spo, still possesses trademark rights associated with the term “Huobi Global,” and that “Huobi Global,” the actual exchange, has been using the trademark without authorization.

Former Huobi co-founder Leon Li (Twitter)

Though it’s not immediately clear why Li seeks litigation against the very company and brand he previously built, a series of heated exchanges between Li and Justin Sun last month may offer some hints.

Holdnaut team members before the onset of the crypto winter (SMU)
Photo allegedly showing empty Haru Invest corporate offices after the announcement. (Telegram)

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