
IDW will release a special “lost episode” of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine to help celebrate the show’s 30th anniversary, centering on an unusual hero.

A “lost episode” of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, will be released next year by IDW Publishing. Titled The Dog of War, the five-issue miniseries debuts in April 2023, just in time for Deep Space Nine’s 30th anniversary. The book will be written by novelist Mike Chen and drawn by Angel Hernandez, who has worked on other Star Trek projects for the publisher.

The Dog of War presents itself as a “lost episode” of Deep Space Nine. Quark, the station’s Ferengi bartender, procures a purebred Corgi named Latinum, which he plans to sell and turn a tidy profit. However, matters are complicated when the crew discover Latinum came with a piece of Borg technology, found by a Starfleet crew after the station’s reoccupation. As stated earlier, The Dog of War is written by Mike Chen, who will make his comic book writing debut with this series. The book will ship with variant covers as well, including one by Lower Decks artist Chris Fenogolio. The Dog of War will also come with a series of covers that can be connected to form “an amazing diorama of DS9 characters with look-alike canine companions.”


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Premiering in January 1993, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the fourth entry in the franchise. Set aboard a former Cardassian space station positioned at the entrance to the only known wormhole, Deep Space Nine was a gritty response to the bright and idealistic Star Trek: The Next Generation. The station seemed to be perpetually falling apart, and when push came to shove during the Dominion War, the crew had to make tough decisions in order to survive. This mix of dark stories with well-developed, nuanced characters made Deep Space Nine a Star Trek show unlike any other. Enjoy the recently released cover art, as shared by AIPT, below.

IDW Celebrates Deep Space Nine’s Anniversary in Style

Now, for the program’s 30th anniversary, IDW is taking readers back to Deep Space Nine one more time, to tell a new story firmly positioned within the show’s timeline. Chen and Hernandez have promised readers a classic Deep Space Nine story – one that honors all the program’s best aspects. In an official press release, writer Mike Chen shows he’s is passionate about the show, calling it “the greatest TV show ever made,” which will no doubt translate into a great story. Meanwhile, Angel Hernandez is a proven hand who has done great things with the publisher’s other Star Trek titles. IDW has released several high quality Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comics in the past, and Dog of War looks to be another winner.

Thanks to its gritty storytelling and compelling characters, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine stands apart from other shows in the franchise. Since its premiere 30 years ago, Deep Space Nine has continued to grow in prestige. Thanks in part to streaming, it continues to find new fans with each passing year. IDW is celebrating Star Trek: Deep Space Nine’s 30th anniversary in style, with a brand new “lost episode” debuting April 2023.

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Source: AIPT


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