
Amy Duggar has spoken out about her family members’ controversial lifestyle on the documentary Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets, and believes Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar are controlling their oldest daughter, Jana Duggar. The Amazon Prime docuseries revealed the hidden secrets of a cult the Duggar family follows called The Institute In Basic Life Principles (IBLP). Amy’s husband Dillon King and cousin Jill Duggar were also featured in the documentary to share their thoughts on the cult’s harmful teachings.



However, one secret that wasn’t revealed in Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets is why 33-year-old Jana didn’t end up courting or getting married. It does seem odd, especially since the eldest Duggar girls were all in courtships from a young age. In an interview with Us Weekly, Amy expressed concern for her cousin. “I truly hope to the good Lord above that she is happy and thriving and working through whatever she’s experienced, but I have no contact with her.” Though Amy hasn’t talked to Jana, she assumes that the reason they haven’t spoken is that Jana may not be “allowed to” since she’s under the IBLP’s control.

Amy Duggar Says Family “Protecting” Josh Duggar Is “Lowest Of Low”

Jim Bob Michelle Josh Duggar

One important topic Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets touched on were the molestation and child pornography accusations against Josh Duggar. Amy said the “last straw” was when Jim Bob and Michelle brushed the issue under the rug. “I can’t imagine protecting a predator. I think that is the lowest of low, [and] there’s no going back.” While Jim Bob and Michelle completely ignoring Josh’s actions may clearly seem wrong, the IBLP cult forbids parents from speaking out about their child’s bad behavior. For that reason, the 19 Kids and Counting couple were only following leader Bill Gothard’s teachings, even though they were out of line.

Amy always seemed supportive of the Duggar family on 19 Kids and Counting, and was very close with her aunt, uncle, and cousins. However, after the Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets documentary came out, things started to make more sense. Though viewers may not have realized how unusual the Duggar’s lives actually were, Amy knew all along. She witnessed her cousins following rules that didn’t seem justified, but wasn’t allowed to say anything about it publicly.

Shiny Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets gave Amy and Jill a platform to call out the Duggars and condemn the IBLP cult. Their opinions were backed up by former IBLP members and family friends, Jim and Bobye Holt. While Amy may be worried about her cousins, especially Jana, unfortunately she no longer has ties to most of the family members and can only wish them the best from afar.

Source: Us Weekly


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